10 Tips For Conducting A Job Interview If You Are A Teenager

In adolescence and when taking the first steps in the world of work, one of the main moments is the job interview. To do this, there are some important guidelines to keep in mind.
10 tips for conducting a job interview if you are a teenager

Attending a job interview as a teenager can seem complicated. There is really only one word that defines what is needed in such a case: attitude. The question that many ask is: What kind of image should I give?

In practice,  the proper attitude is to show yourself as the person you are, with your responsibility, concerns and desires. In the following list, you will find everything you need to know about it.

Conduct a job interview if you are a teenager

Before the interview

For you to be successful in a job interview, if you are a teenager, these are the most important factors:

  • Find out about the company and the position: Researching the type of job offered is very important to attend the interview with confidence and security.
  • Inquire about the company itself: You must know well what it does, how it generates income, whether or not it has competition in the market, number of staff, if there are branches, and what comes to mind. Employers will quickly realize that you know exactly why and what you are in the interview for.
  • Make your resume based on the research: When conducting a job interview if you are a teenager, your CV is likely to be rather blank, at least as far as ‘work experiences’ are concerned. However, it can serve as a business card if it has a good design.
  • Detail in your CV your courses, skills and virtues in the most elegant way you can:  Highlight in it the aspects of your life that make you a responsible worker. If it gets complicated, ask for help!
  • Rehearse questions and answers: In every job interview there are some questions focused on knowing the attitude of the applicants. You should be able to spontaneously and fluently answer questions like ‘Why do you want this position?’; In addition, you will have to know how to cope if they tell you: ‘Tell me about yourself’.
    When attending a job interview if you are a teenager, you have to demonstrate confidence and knowledge.

    During the Interview

    • The outfit : This is one of the trickiest parts of preparing for a job interview if you are a teenager. At this point, you should follow that saying that the first impression is what counts. The trick is to wear elegant but discreet clothing; from now on, you have to avoid jeans and t-shirts.
    • The initial investigation can be extended to this aspect of the company:  What is the image that the company wants to give abroad? On the other hand, you have to take extreme care of personal hygiene, makeup and hairstyle.
    • A little more than punctual:  If you arrive for the interview between ten and five minutes before, you can be sure that you will have added several points before the employer.
    • Attention with applications: In many employment agencies they ask you to fill out up to two or three job application forms. Don’t convey discomfort at the situation. Read each question well and answer simply, with few words and as few adjectives, quantitative, and personal pronouns in the first person.
    • Salt and Pepper: When you’re in the middle of an interview, show a pinch of humor, a free sample. That relaxes and generates sympathy; try to highlight some quality that your friends and family love about you. You can mention something interesting like the last book you read, or the poems you write on your blog.
    • Body language: Remember to place your shoulders slightly back while your chest slightly up. When you speak, look into their eyes. If the interviewer speaks, nod from time to time to show that you are listening. On the other hand, take a firm step and smile as you enter and as often as appropriate.
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      After the interview

      • Feedback : Show that you are 100% committed to the position by asking your own questions. If you want to know about the salary and the details of the position, you can ask about the ‘general conditions’. However, you can also ask questions more specific to the position itself.
      • Thank and be attentive: Some employers value thank you notes after an interview. You can do something very simple that lets the company know that you really want the position. If they haven’t contacted you within ten days, you can call and show your interest directly.

        In conclusion, conducting a job interview if you are a teenager will open the door to the world of work, the adult world. Be spontaneous, fully trust yourself, and convey this confidence to your employer, and the position will almost certainly be yours.

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