11 Characteristics Of Genius Children

Genius children are boys who, from an early age, have capacities above the average of children of the same age. They tend to have talent or genius in one or a few intellectual areas.
11 characteristics of genius children

There are children who have superior skills and abilities compared to children their age. Genius children have a great cognitive capacity and can do great things, especially related to the cognitive area that they have the most developed.

These kids need to be educated under certain conditions to give them the opportunity to advance in those high capacities that they have. You never have to force them into geniuses, but give them the tools they need to nurture those skills. What are the characteristics of genius children? Here we tell you everything.

What is a genius kid?

We speak of a genius child when a child, from an early age, shows cognitive abilities much higher than the average of children of his age, especially in certain intellectual areas.

Genius kid going to school.

Genius kids can excel and be talented in one domain or multiple areas. They can be kids with great ability in math, painting, music, language, etc.

Characteristics of genius children

Genius children have characteristics that differentiate them from other children who do not have these high capacities. Let’s see some of them:

As babies they are very demanding

They are babies who are easily overstimulated and, in addition, acquire their body coordination at a very young age. They can keep their heads at one month of life and even say their first word at around 5 months.

They are very self-taught

These little ones usually learn to read and write at a very young age and, furthermore, they do it on their own. Their great memory makes them have a large vocabulary and a great curiosity to learn the more things the better.

Genius kids often have trouble at school

Many of us think that school will be a triumph for genius or talented children, but we often see that this is not the case. There are many children with high capacities who fail precisely because of the lack of resources and supports that help them in their capacities.

A child with this talent gets bored in class, disconnects, becomes unmotivated and this makes him fail, but not because of his lack of ability.

They are emotionally very intense children

These little ones usually have a low tolerance for frustration and a special sensitivity for what things ; they can become sad or scared by a movie, their sense of justice is more accentuated and they empathize excessively when they see situations of inequality.

Genius kids have amazing memories

They have exceptional short and long-term memory, as well as all other types of memory, including eidetic (remembering sounds, images, and objects with great detail and precision).

They question authority

They question authority, not as a form of rebellion, but they do not accept anything imposed if it has not been argued in a correct and convincing way. They do not obey blindly, the rules have to make sense to them, otherwise they will not abide by them.

Very perfectionist, competitive and self-critical genius children

They like to do things perfectly, without any type of error ; they are very demanding with themselves and also with others. They tend to be competitive and are used to standing out above the rest, so they get angry if they fail.

Characteristic traits of the personality of genius children

Genius children have characteristic personality traits that we are going to see below:

Impulsive and curious

They are impulsive and curious children who constantly seek information to continue learning.


One of his personality traits is his high capacity for self-criticism. If they do something, they spend a lot of time analyzing what they want to achieve and if they have achieved it and, if they have not achieved it, they think about what they should change so that it is the way they want it.

Lonely, dedicated and sometimes neurotic

They are lonely people, with fewer social relationships than the rest, since a large part of their time is dedicated to work and that causes a wear and tear on their social life. When they are teenagers, they try to perfect that talent that they have, but the rest of their friends in adolescent age do not understand this, so on many occasions they end up neglecting them.

Even, sometimes, that excess of dedication can become something pathological and that prevents them from being happy. They become maniacal and obsessive with continuing to learn, resulting in neurotic traits.

Genius boy playing chess.

They work for passion, not for money

Genius or talented children, when they reach adulthood, feel true passion for their work and do not seek financial gratification, but do it out of vocation. For them, the real pleasure lies in perfecting their work.

In short, a genius child is a child with talent and potential in one or more areas of intelligence, but this is not a guarantee of success. It is important that these children have an appropriate environment and sufficient resources at school and at home to foster these abilities. Never force them, but stimulate them.

It is important to remember that a lack of affection, stimulation, or even poor nutrition can have negative effects on children’s intelligence. For this reason, we must take great care of all these aspects, since it will depend on whether our child ends up being a successful adult or a frustrated adult.

Educational needs of gifted children

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