11 Ideas To Remove Stains From Clothes

There are different chemicals on the market that are very effective to remove stains on your clothes. However, they are expensive and damage your skin. Did you know that you can find ideas to remove stains from clothes with items from your kitchen?
11 ideas to remove stains from clothes

Have you accidentally spilled any liquid on your favorite item of clothing? What a pity! Wait, don’t think there is no solution. Yes, you can remove stains, whether they are grease, chocolate, makeup, coffee … Learn how in this article.

7 great ideas to remove stains from colored clothes

It is a nightmare to discover that your clothes have been stained, especially if they are colored. If you wonder how to remove stains from colored clothing  without damaging your wardrobe, point out these excellent allies in your kitchen.

1. Vinegar

It is the star product for home cleaning. Ideal for removing annoying fat marks even if some time has passed. Mix two servings of vinegar with one of water and let the garment soak overnight. The next day, wash the garment with detergent or soap.

It is also effective in removing wine stains. You just have to rinse the garment with vinegar and wash as usual. Likewise, this product is also useful to eliminate deodorant stains. You will only have to soak in vinegar and hot water for a few hours and then wash with soap.

2. Egg

Did you know about this home remedy? Proceed to extract the yolk from the egg and dilute with water.  Subsequently, rub the mixture into the garment until the stain disappears. Finally rinse and wash as usual.

3. Lemon

Lemon is one of the allies for cleaning par excellence. Extract its juice and apply on clothes directly. Then, let it rest for an hour for the garment to absorb the product. Later, you can wash the clothes, either by hand or in the washing machine. It is especially effective  on coffee stains on colored clothing, although it is also useful for other types of stains such as those that arise from sweat or deodorant, among others.

4. Milk

Ideal for removing stains caused by wine. Dampen a cloth with milk and rub in a circular motion. Then air dry the garment, rinse and wash as usual. Similarly, you can apply this remedy to remove other stains such as pen ink.

5. Talc

It is very effective in removing recent grease stains. Put talcum powder on the stained garment and let it dry. This will absorb the stain in a short time. Then with detergent and water, use a toothbrush to go over the affected area.

6. Olive oil

Among the strongest stains to remove is nail polish on clothing. To achieve this, place absorbent kitchen paper on the garment, moisten a cotton ball with olive oil and rub the inside of the garment. Then rinse and wash with detergent. You can substitute the oil for nail polish remover.

7. Isopropyl alcohol

It is also very useful for removing ink. With the help of a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, rub over the stain and clean with absorbent paper. Repeat until the stain disappears.

2 ideas to say goodbye to deodorant stains

Sodium bicarbonate

It is a powerful bleach to remove any type of stain, especially effective with those annoying yellow stains caused by deodorant. Mix water with baking soda until you get a paste and apply it on the affected area. Wait until it dries and wash with detergent.


Dilute 2 aspirin in half a cup of water. Next, apply the mixture on the stain and soak for several hours. Then with the help of your fingers or a brush, rub with detergent, when the stain disappears, wash the garment with soap.


2 ideas to remove stains from white clothes

How annoying is a stain on white clothes, since you cannot hide it. Luckily, there are methods to remove them, point out two of them:

Hydrogen peroxide and dishwasher detergent

Mix a little hydrogen peroxide with detergent and put it in a diffuser. Afterwards, spray on the affected area, wait for it to dry and wash.

White chalk

Ideal for removing grease stains. Rub gently on the stain and the chalk will absorb the grease. Remove the remains and wash normally. Do not use the dryer to prevent the stain from penetrating.

Keep in mind:

  • Take immediate action  to make it easier to remove.
  • Identify what type of stain it is:  oily, sweat, blood, coffee …
  • Use cold water. Avoid using hot water, as it can cause the opposite effect.

Without a doubt, with these ideas to remove stains from clothes naturally you can save money and avoid using that garment as a cleaning cloth. In addition, you will avoid damaging your garments with abrasive products that you can find in the market.

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