15 Tips For New Parents

15 tips for new parents

Being parents is one of the most complicated tasks, even more so if it is our first child. There are many challenges that we have to face from the time the baby is born, until little by little it grows and teaches us many things along the way. Even so, it is still an incredible experience, which not only makes us grow as people, but also makes us change many aspects of our lives. Faced with some complications that we may have, a few tips for new parents, they never hurt.

When we have any doubts, we can go directly to the Internet or with other parents who already have more experience, this will help us a lot to dispel concerns and will provide us with knowledge to be much more prepared. How do you know when the baby is hungry? When do you want your pacifier? It is not easy to identify some signs in babies, but with experience you will be able to do it.

15 tips for new parents

1. Babies have a very small stomach, therefore, the amount of milk that we must also give them should be little. Pediatricians recommend that breastfeeding periods should be at the request of the baby, except for exceptions due to illness. Also, there are little ones who fall asleep while eating, it is enough to move the nipple a little so that they can continue feeding.

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2. If we do not breastfeed the baby, it is important that he learns how to take a bottle. It should always be the same person who gives it to him, because each person does it in a different way, if he notices that there is a change, the little one could be confused. If after eating he cries, do not be mortified, that is because he is very interested in his surroundings and is curious, it may also be that he has gas.

3. When the baby finishes feeding, the proper position to lie down is on his back. If you are lying down in this way it is much safer and also, the gases decrease to a greater extent. This position is the one that you should always have in the crib, to avoid sudden death.

4. Milk stains on clothing are difficult to avoid at this stage and tend to smell bad. You can remove them with a mixture of water and yeast (a teaspoon for a cup of water), this in addition to removing the stain, eliminates the bad smell. Another good way to remove the stain is by using lemon juice.

5. Another of the best tips for new parents is to be very attentive to the weight of our baby. In the first 5 months the little ones double their weight and until the end of the first year they usually weigh up to 3 times more. It is not necessary that you are weighing him every day, if you see that he is active, growing well and happy, it means that he is eating well.

6. If our baby is very young, he will be scared if we approach too hastily. First we must establish eye contact so that they connect their attention and then speak to them little by little. Then you place one hand under his head and another under the trunk, then we lift them very delicately, they are fragile, but it is important that we take them firmly.

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7. It is important to change the baby’s diaper often to avoid irritation. Although many brands of diapers are designed to keep them dry, the heat they can have in the tummy area is not very good for the skin. When we are changing them, we must be very attentive to their movements and that they may fall, in addition, before putting on the new diaper, we must clean it gently and dry it very well.

8. If you have twins, it is normal for them to cry more than other babies because they must wait their turn. You can place each one on a chest, both at the same time and then, you can exchange them. The most important thing is that everyone has their food at the time they request it.

9. During the first weeks you can bathe him in the sink or in a small bathtub. At first you should do it with warm water and the soap we use must be neutral. As for using talcum powder, they generally recommend not putting it in because you could inhale it. If your baby is afraid of the bathtub, you can sit him down and give him a toy to distract him.

10. As for the umbilical cord wound, you do not need a special bandage while it finishes healing. When we bathe it, we must dry the navel area very well, that part is recommended to wash with a damp towel with warm water, then dry and place a gauze. If you see that it bleeds, it is important that you consult with your pediatrician.

11. Another tip for novice parents that you cannot miss is regarding the baby’s clothing. If it is too warm, it can become too hot. We love to dress them too much, but we can make them feel bad with too many clothes, so try to put clothes on them that will keep them cool.

12. When carrying our baby we must be very aware of the position of his head, because it needs good support. We must hold it firmly and safely, maintaining delicacy, of course. They can be scared if their head moves to the side or back. One of the Important Tips for New Parents.

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13. Babies’ nails really grow very fast. When they are totally asleep, it is the best time to cut them, use special baby scissors with a round tip, remember that their nails are more delicate than those of an adult, so we must cut them very delicately.

14. When our baby cries we must respond as quickly as possible and the smaller it is, the faster we must react. This type of attention does not have to do with pampering him too much, what it does is that your child feels that you are aware of him at all times.

15. Many babies cry non-stop for a long time, this is usually caused by colic. It is important not to lose your temper and stress yourself too much, it is a stage that will pass.

Any questions you present, always remember to consult with other parents or your pediatrician.

You are going to have a baby!  8 tips for new parents

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