3 Activities To Work On Emotions With Your Children

It is important that children grow up knowing how to recognize their own emotions and those of others, because only then can they develop their social skills correctly.
3 activities to work on emotions with your children

Sometimes too much importance is placed on children knowing how to read, write, solve math problems, etc. But what about emotions and feelings? The little ones must also learn to recognize and control moods, acquiring values ​​such as respect, empathy, etc. For this reason, we have prepared the following article that describes various activities to work on emotions as a family.

From home, the intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence of children must be strengthened. This is essential to achieve optimal future development in the social and emotional sphere, which affects all areas of knowledge and learning.

3 activities to work on emotions with your children

The emotionary : a dictionary to work on emotions with your children

The Emotionary is a wonderful book to work on emotional intelligence with children. It is a dictionary that defines, in a simple, illustrative and original way, the forty-two most common emotional states in the human being.

Child doing an activity to work on emotions with one piece of paper that expresses happiness and the other sadness.

In addition, the publishing house Words Winged makes available to users, a series of files with activities to work in depth on each of the emotions described. In this way, with the help of parents, children can easily learn to identify their feelings and moods.

Family movie viewing

Carrying out leisure plans as a family, such as watching a movie, is always positive for strengthening the emotional ties between parents and children. But, in addition, if the appropriate film is chosen, one in which its protagonists experience different emotions, this activity can become a perfect excuse to work on intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence in a playful and didactic way.

Thus, some ideal children’s films to carry out this activity are:

  • Inside out.
  • Home: Home sweet home.
  • Frozen the ice kingdom.
  • WALL-E.
  • My neighbor Totoro.

But this exercise should not only consist of watching a movie, but, once finished, parents should have a deep conversation with their children, reflecting on the teachings that the story transmits and detecting the emotions and feelings that the children go through. characters throughout the film.

Girl expressing different emotions.

Emotional masks

To carry out this activity, parents must first explain to their children what the five basic emotions are:

  • Joy.
  • Sadness.
  • Anger.
  • Afraid.
  • Surprise.

Next, the children are asked to draw the faces of each of these emotions. After this, they must paint them, cut them out and stick them on a cardboard, making five masks. Behind each of these masks, the little ones have to write, with the help of their parents:

  • The actions they usually perform when experiencing the emotion in question.
  • The different feelings and thoughts that accompany these behaviors.

Finally, each member of the family tells a real situation in which they felt happy, sad, angry, afraid and surprised. Thus, children get a better understanding of the different emotional states, learning to identify and normalize them.

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