4 Golden Rules To Educate Our Children With Strength

There is a fine line that separates the strength of abuse, so knowing how to teach and demonstrate strength in relationships is essential for the proper growth of the child.
4 golden rules to educate our children with strength

Raising our children with strength is something that makes anyone excited. We adults know how much it can be sacrificed to accompany the speed of certain changes in modern life. So, this element is key for our little ones to have that fundamental feeling of security when facing unexpected changes.

1. Acting on our intuition gives us security

The primary rule to provide well-being and act with strength towards them is to enter with our subjectivity when interpreting their needs. Therefore, it is essential to know how to filter the information we acquire, with the risk of being influenced too much by science and by experts and forgetting to listen to our sixth sense.

Looking for readings on these topics is fine, especially when it sharpens our intuition, which is the ingredient that should work at full speed when dealing with the little ones. If our intuition does not accompany us, we may have a blockage and, therefore, it is good to open up with other people or with a professional.

After all, when we become parents, our childhood resurfaces like an erupting volcano and many times we have to choose between repeating patterns or not. If we do not want to repeat them, there we may find ourselves with a difficulty, once this repetition comes out of inertia, making it difficult to avoid it.

So, it is not about not making mistakes, but about identifying our own strength, asking ourselves from time to time:
What father / mother am I?
What parent would I like to be?
What father / mother can I become?

2. Providing a harmonious environment transmits strength

It is very important to talk about the differences between you and your partner. Although it generates conflicts, the other also had a childhood, most likely quite different from yours. Also, this is an attitude that brings strength to marriage.

Providing the child, in the first years of his life, the idea that there is harmony at home is very positive, even if it is a kind of montage that we do (since we know that the adult world does not always work that way).

Respecting the couple’s way of acting, even if we disagree, making the child see that the parents are united in how to guide them, is very important to create this harmony.

It can be very difficult to achieve it, if we fail unconsciously, let’s try to use a respectful tone. If we notice that the difference is very incongruous, let’s try to talk about it at a time when our children are not there.

3. Differentiate the adult world from the children’s world


The fact that we spend so many hours away from home, at work, immersed in the world of work, makes it difficult for us to make this difference. The difficulty is that the adult world has nothing to do with the children’s world.

Many times we arrive or leave the house hurried or impatient: we must seek to calm down before entering or leaving the house.

Preventing children from having contact with cruelties and catastrophes is also important. Do not comment on tragic news that makes them insecure, or watch inappropriate programs on TV when they are present.

There are many people who believe that children have to get used to everything from an early age.  This may be a mistake. First, because if you have to get used to something, it is because it is not so good. Second, because there is an age for everything; Running with what is not currently touching can cause confusion.

4. Children must be given and dedicated time to build the foundations of their fort


Last but not least is the time we spend with them. The rule that our bosses preach so much for their own benefit does not apply here: “what matters is quality and not quantity”.

The foundation of our lives is built from 0 to 7 years. Some say that kindergarten is more important than university.

It can be hard to spend so many hours with our children, especially if we are alone with them. However, the difficulties encountered are also important to get to know ourselves and them better.

Here are some useful tips:

• Dedicate hours to them.
• Make decisions based on our sensitivity. If it fails us, seek to share the difficulty with someone or a professional, avoiding applying the technique that is in that doctor’s book.
• Seek respect between spouses and resolve differences when the children are gone, providing a harmonious environment.
• Differentiate the adult world from the child world; Get down to the level of the child, it is also being fair with him.

Finally, talk a lot about what happens to us. Talking reveals unimaginable things and helps both adults and children gain strength.

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