4 Ideas For Making Healthy Pizzas At Home

We know that all children love pizzas. Therefore, we bring you 4 ideas to make healthy pizzas at home so that you do not deprive them of their favorite recipe and, meanwhile, feed them healthily.
4 ideas for making healthy pizzas at home

Here are four ideas for making healthy pizzas at home using wholemeal or almond flours, fresh and low-fat cheeses and substituting sausages for vegetables. It is also good to completely eliminate the use of flours and change the base for cauliflower.

These simple choices can make the difference between a fast food dish – now called fast food – and a rich and healthy meal that really provides your child with nutrients to continue healthy growth.

Therefore, below we will explain how to make these delicious recipes. We are sure that your children will like them and will not even notice the difference.

4 ideas for making healthy pizzas at home

Here are 4 ideas for making healthy pizza. Do not forget that you can use the ingredients that you like the most, as long as they are not ultra-processed foods.

1.- Use whole grain or almond flours

Generally, the discussion about whether pizzas are a recipe that is harmful to health or not resides in the fact that the predominant ingredient is refined flour;  and it is already public knowledge that this type of flours, apart from not offering any vitamin nutrient, can lead to obesity if consumed in excess.

But what if, then, we decided to substitute the traditional flour for other options. In principle, the most sought-after choice is almond flour; It has a low glycemic index, is rich in antioxidants, fibers, minerals, vitamins, provides protein and is also a way out for children with diabetes problems.

In addition, almonds contain a high proportion of proteins. The regular consumption of this nutrient, in the necessary doses, has proven to be effective in preventing muscle diseases such as sarcopenia.

On the other hand, if you want to make just a more subtle change in the base but continue to use the wheat flour, you can make a mixture by adding a percentage of whole wheat flour, oats and flaxseed. Your child won’t know the difference.

There are different ingredients to make different types of pizzas.

2.- Choose cheeses rich in protein and low in fat

A good choice of cheeses can also completely transform a high-fat pizza into a healthy one. Next, we will tell you which are the richest in protein and low in fat from least to greatest:

  • Ricotta, cottage cheese.
  • Cottage.
  • Cheddar.
  • Parmesan.
  • Yellow.
  • Mozzarella

All of the aforementioned cheeses have a higher amount of protein. Although some, such as Parmesan or yellow, contain more fat than the others on the list, adding a small amount will guarantee the exact measure.

However, don’t worry too much about fats either. Except for trans, the rest are beneficial to health. According to research published in the journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition , today it is doubted that saturated lipids can pose a health risk.

3.- Replace the sausages with vegetables

According to announcements from the World Health Organization, it is recommended that the consumption of hams and sausages be reduced to two or three times a week  at most. It is due to the abundance of chemicals and flavor enhancers that they contain.

Many children can no longer consume these foods as they are allergic to sulfites. Thinking of them, the most immediate option as a change of ingredients for pizzas is the use of vegetables such as corn, peppers, dehydrated tomatoes, onion, mushrooms, eggplant and broccoli.

Using appetizing vegetables for children can also help the little ones in the house become familiar and start consuming more vegetables. 

4.- Cauliflower pizza base

If in your case you want to completely eliminate the intake of flour for your children, we bring you this option, which is also very delicious.  The preparation is as follows:


  • 1 large cauliflower.
  • 1 egg.
  • 200 grams of grated mozzarella or parmesan cheese.
  • Salt to taste.

Ideas for making healthy pizzas at home will help your child get into the habit of consuming vegetables.

You should start by washing the cauliflower well and cutting the stem, then you can pass it through a processor or also grate it. Next, put the mixture in the microwave for 5-6 minutes or in the oven for about 10 minutes. After that time, remove from the heat and add a whole egg, the cheese of your choice, salt to taste and integrate well.

On parchment paper or parchment paper, spread the mixture out to form a thin sphere. Then put it back in the oven at an approximate temperature between 160º – 180º, for 25 minutes.

Ready, you can remove and add the ingredients that you like the most. Remember to add a reduced amount of cheese, since you previously included it in the mixture for the base.

Make healthy pizza at home

With these delicious ideas to make healthy pizzas at home, you will surely be able to maintain a balance between the fast food that your children love and the vitamin intake they need to be healthy. Dare yourself!

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