4 Ideas To Stimulate Reading At Home

Children should acquire a good reading habit from an early age. But what role does the family play in this learning? How can reading be encouraged at home?
4 ideas to stimulate reading at home

Reading is one of the most important skills that human beings acquire throughout life. Knowing how to read serves to learn knowledge in all areas of learning. Therefore, it is convenient to enhance reading skills both from school and from home. But how to stimulate reading at home? Here are some ideas.

4 ideas to stimulate reading at home

Boy reading one of the informational books to his teddy bear.

Create a reading corner

A good idea to encourage reading at home is to create a reading corner in the child’s room. It is about having a space in which the little one feels attracted to reading.

This corner should be attractive, with lots of light, in which there are a multitude of stories and books recommended for the child’s age and with accessible shelves for their size. This will allow you to enjoy the ability to read and all that goes with it.

Establish the habit of reading before bed

Reading before going to sleep is convenient for children, from the first years of life, to get used to establishing a time for reading every day.

From four to six months, parents can begin to read stories to their little ones, who will notice the drawings and colors of the same. But, little by little, they will acquire the ability to understand stories and, when we least expect it, they will already know how to read independently.

Thus, we introduce children to reading and help them develop this competence, which is essential to create young readers, who will grow by giving the importance it deserves to this ability.

Become a member of the library

Another recommendation to stimulate reading among the little ones is to go to the library closest to home and become members of it. With the library card, the child, depending on their tastes and preferences, will have access to countless stories and books, to be able to read with ease at home.

Be an example to follow

For children to create a good reading habit, it is important that parents also read at home. It should be noted that parents are usually the greatest references and the main role models for their children. For this reason, it is essential that children observe their parents enjoying reading, whether through novels, magazines, newspapers, articles in blogs, etc.

“Reading is to the mind what physical exercise is to the body.”

-Joseph Addison-

Mother and daughter reading books in their home library to encourage reading.

The importance of encouraging reading at home

Families must give great importance to reading and offer their children multiple opportunities to stimulate and develop this competence, since, as we have already mentioned, mastering reading competence allows us to learn throughout life. In addition, reading regularly helps children:

  • Improve oral and written expression.
  • Expand vocabulary.
  • Improve the writing and know the spelling rules.
  • Encourage creativity and imagination.
  • Avoid the appearance of learning difficulties.
  • Enhance concentration and attention.
  • Increase critical and reflective thinking.

In short, there are many benefits of establishing a good reading habit at home from childhood. So, what are you waiting for to put into practice some of the ideas that we have recommended in this article? Make your child a competent reader!

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