4 Recipes For Desserts For Special Days That Your Children Will Like

Who doesn’t love having dessert? That is why, if you want to surprise your children on a special day, the best thing you can do is prepare a delicious sweet. If you have not yet decided what to prepare, then you need the dessert recipes for special days.
4 dessert recipes for special days that your children will like

If you are wondering how to prepare recipes for desserts for special days, here you will find 4 simple and quick preparations that are ideal to share with your children, friends and other family members on different occasions. Remember that the little details make the occasion unforgettable.

Anyway, do not think that these recipes can be consumed on a daily basis. They have a lot of calories and sugar, so they must be relegated to special moments, otherwise they could alter the state of health.

The best 4 recipes for desserts for special days

You can choose between these desserts for special days with chocolate, strawberries and creams to fill. These preparations provide a variety of flavors that delight young and old alike.

Three Ingredient Chocolate Cake

It is always advisable to choose a chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa. This has flavonoids that have been shown to be essential to fight against cardiovascular diseases.


  • 5 eggs
  • 90 g of butter.
  • 280 g of good quality dark chocolate.

Preparation time: 15 minutes.

Cooking: 25 minutes.


  • Chop the chocolate and butter, melt them over very low heat or in a double boiler. Stir constantly, remove from heat before boiling and let cool.
  • Beat the yolks until thickened, add the melted chocolate slowly and stir until smooth. Then, beat the whites until stiff and add to the previous preparation with enveloping and soft movements; take care that there are no white lumps.
  • Pour the mixture into a removable round mold about 8 inches in diameter, approximately.
  • Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until the toothpick comes out dry when inserted. However, be careful, it should not go over baked. It is advisable to let it cool down before unmolding; also, it is normal for it to drop a bit.

This cake has a deep cocoa flavor, so it is easy to combine. You can serve it with vanilla ice cream, natural fruits, sauce or compotes of red fruits or yogurt. In addition, you can serve cold or warm to your liking, as they are different textures.

Lemon cookie tart

Lemon is a fruit that stands out for its content of vitamin C, an important nutrient to ensure immune function, according to a study published in Nutrients .


  • 300 g of cream cheese.
  • 600 ml of liquid cream to mount.
  • 150 g of icing sugar.
  • 2 lemons.
  • 42 Maria cookies.
  • 3 g of vanilla essence.
Chocolate recipes include the classic tart, of course.


  • Mix the cream cheese, the vanilla essence, the juice and the lemon zest in a deep bowl. Then, add the sugar and stir until it is all incorporated.
  • Add the whipped cream and stir until obtaining a homogeneous cream; pass to a pastry bag. It is recommended that the cream is very cold, you can beat it with electric rods or by hand.
  • In a serving base, place seven flower-shaped cookies, on them spread a layer of lemon cream. Next, add seven more cookies and another lemon cream circle. Continue with both layers until finished with lemon curd; you can decorate as you like.

    This cake is one of the recipes for desserts for special days that you can serve without accompaniment. However, you must bear in mind that coffee lovers see it as ideal to accompany the after-dinner.

    Strawberry cupcake

    You can change the strawberries for other red fruits to provide different flavors.


    • 290 g of pastry flour.
    • 1/4 kg of sugar.
    • 1/4 kg of milk.
    • 4 eggs
    • Strawberries.
    • Half yeast envelope.
    • Salt.
    • Vanilla essence.
    • Butter cream.


    • Preheat the oven for 10 minutes at 180ºC. Next, mix flour with the previously sifted yeast and a little salt.
    • Put the butter, sugar and vanilla in a bowl and add the eggs while beating.
    • Add the milk and, little by little, add the flour with the yeast and salt.
    • Add small chopped strawberries throughout the preparation.
    • Fill the cupcake pans about half full and bake for 25 minutes.
    • To decorate them, you can place whipped cream or buttercream and a whole strawberry on top of each one.
      Cupcakes are one of the birthday recipes that never fail.

      3 milks cake

      This cake will delight the little ones and fans of cream.

      Ingredients for the cake

      • 6 large egg yolks.
      • 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour.
      • 6 egg whites

      For the cream

      • 14 ounces heavy cream.
      • 7.6 ounces of condensed milk.
      • 2/3 ounces of evaporated milk.
      • 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract.
      • ¼ cup of brandy.

      For cover

      • 1 cup heavy cream to whip.
      • ½ tablespoon of vanilla extract.
      • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.


      • Beat the yolks and sugar, add the whites until stiff  and alternate with the flour in enveloping movements.
      • Place in a removable mold and bake for approximately 15 minutes.
      • On the other hand, mix all the ingredients for the cream, then puncture the cake and cover it all with the cream.
      • To decorate, beat all the ingredients for the topping and spread it over the cake. You can serve right away or let it cool; Makes 12 servings.

      Prepare recipes for special days

      Surprise your children and your guests with these delicious dessert recipes for special days. Birthdays, family reunions or any type of entertainment, take advantage of them to show off!

      4 ideas for birthday cakes

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