4 Stories To Instill Confidence In Children

Stories help your little one develop emotionally and intellectually healthy. But can children’s stories about confidence influence them? Find out below.
4 stories to instill confidence in children

Do you find that trust is a difficult subject to deal with with children? If they are young children, it will not be an easy topic to handle, but it is very necessary. However, you need to look for alternatives that allow you to help your child with the lack or excess of confidence. One of the best options is trust stories for children. Discover some of them and know how they benefit your child.

The value of trust for the little ones

Addressing the issue of trust with children from a very young age makes it easier to educate them in other aspects. It is also important to teach them the value of trust. In particular, how harmful an excess or a lack of it can be.

Within the good training of children it is essential to teach them to have the necessary trust in others, because they learn from the interrelationships with people. In addition, they must learn to trust their friends and relatives, since the basis of friendship is trust. In this way they will be able to be good friends and maintain relationships of mutual cordiality.

The 4 best stories about confidence for children

In addition to the advantages already mentioned, this type of story allows them to better develop their vocabulary and abilities such as compression and memory. For this reason, we recommend the following stories for your child.

1. The bird that did not know how to fly

This wonderful story aims to help the little ones understand how they should act to gain the trust of others. The reading tells the story of a little bird that lived in Cameroon, he had no mother and, to know who he was, he had to trust his companions. He also learned to trust himself, so he was able to help his colleagues when they had difficulties.

It is important that after reading you talk with your child about the attitude of the animals in the story. Let the child express himself freely and then emphasize the mutual trust of the animals.

2. The raven and the fox

This story tells the story of a fox who had always been known for lying slyly and deceiving the crow. Telling this story shows them the great value of trust.

To complement the role of reading, ask questions. Did you like the story? What is it about? Why did the crow tell the fox that he lost more than he did? In this way the child assimilates the narrative more. Once they respond, proceed to explain the meaning of mutual trust.

This story helps the child see that trust between peers must be based on honesty. Also, that to obtain a common result they must learn to trust and earn the trust of others.

3. Skewer and Boni

This is one of the confidence stories for children that  contributes to reinforcing the child’s confidence in his abilities. Basically, the reading is about two twin boys who had different abilities. However, Pincho could not bear that his brother was better than him in mathematics. However, later he realized that there were other things that he knew how to do very well. So she felt no more envy and learned to trust him.

This story will teach him that we all have different abilities, he must trust what he has and know that it is worth it.

Children's Stories

4. Butterfly ears

This story has been written especially to increase the self-esteem and confidence of others.  In addition, it is ideal for helping children cope with the teasing of others. It helps them to love themselves as they are and with their particularities, in this way they can trust their abilities.

The story is about a girl who has to face the teasing of her classmates. She turns them over with her imagination and a lot of optimism, in a way that shows her strong self-esteem. It is an essential children’s book.

Without a doubt, with these stories about confidence for children it is easier to teach them this subject. Remember that you need a little more than reading, you must also help the child with your actions. Make him see your example, show him that you trust him and how important it is that I trust you.

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