4 Summer Plans For Pregnant Women

Don’t let fears overwhelm you and enjoy every moment of your pregnancy. Relax and make your summer unique; of course, always with great caution.
4 summer plans for pregnant women

Many women shy away from doing some activities when they are expecting a baby, not knowing that there are excellent summer plans for pregnant women. In them, neither their physical integrity nor that of the creature that is about to arrive is put at risk.

We have to understand that pregnancy is a condition, not a disease. For this reason, each moment should be enjoyed for what it is: something unique and unrepeatable.

For this, it is necessary to take certain considerations. Once you have the knowledge of what is necessary to not take any risks, it only remains to see which summer plans for pregnant women catch you best.

First of all, ask yourself who you hope to enjoy these summer days with. The ideal is to share them with your partner, but it is not always possible if they do not manage the same work hours or for other reasons. Then you can call your friends or a family member you want to hang out with.

Once you have chosen a good company, you can start your summer plans. Beach? Mountain? City walks? A few days of relaxation in a spa? What is the best thing for a pregnant woman to do on summer vacation?

What means of transport should you use?

If they are short trips, it is best to do them in the private vehicle. Keep in mind to always carry comfortable clothes, a pillow for the spine, hydrate yourself well and make safe stops every two hours to do leg stretches.

However, if you must travel by bus, it is preferable to do it in search of you. These public transport vehicles offer great comfort to their users, not only because of their comfortable wide and reclining seats, which greatly favor the future mother, but also because of other services such as the bathroom, air conditioning, television and even the network. Wifi.

When traveling by plane, it is advisable to do it before the third quarter. Exposing the pregnant woman to altitudes above three thousand feet poses a risk to the baby; even premature delivery is possible.

The outdoors is an elementary factor for summer plans for pregnant women.

Likewise, we must request a preferential seat that is close to the bathrooms, in order to avoid discomfort when satisfying the constant need to use it.

The aquatic transports are little recommended, due to the instability of their bases.  This regularly causes dizziness and vomiting; Of course, being pregnant, it becomes much more acute and can make the trip a very unpleasant moment.

Ultimately, it must be considered that modes of transport in which there is a lot of agitation can cause disorders in the placenta;  this would put the fetus and its mother at risk. For this reason, it is recommended that, if you use this transport, it is in a large one, where the movement is not perceived.

What are the best summer plans for pregnant women?

First of all, you should bear in mind that  the most advisable thing for a woman on a treadmill is to travel after week 12 and before week 28.  This is due to the conditions in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy, which could ruin the ride.

1. The beach

Going to the beach never disappoints; the sound and aroma of the sea will keep you relaxed and in a good mood. When you visit, don’t just sit in the shade. Put on sunscreen and enjoy a peaceful walk along the seashore.

Do not wear shoes, so you can enjoy the feeling of the sand on your feet. Sit on the seashore and exfoliate your body with the sand while the water gently bathes you ; then dive wisely from head to toe. Enjoy each of these sensations and you will see how you get home super renewed and full of very good energy.

2. Visit hot springs

The hot springs are an excellent option. In them, you can immerse yourself up to your neck and relax to the fullest. Hot water helps your muscles relax, which will benefit you greatly,  especially when your baby’s weight is already beginning to affect your legs and feet.

3. Spa

If you don’t have hot springs nearby, another alternative is a spa. There, not only will the staff treat you like a queen, but your skin will surely come out totally renewed.

Enjoying massages, hot stones, and jacuzzis with water of different temperature and intensity of output helps circulation. Also, of course, they will totally relax you.

4. Picnic in the city

If the options are narrowed down to the city where you live, don’t be discouraged. Sure, close to home there are excellent outdoor spaces; Take advantage of the beauties that they offer you and connect with nature.

Pack a good fruit basket and bring refreshing drinks to cope with the heat. Also bring a blanket so you can lie on the floor, a book or board games to share with your companions.

You can also arm yourself with speakers and play your favorite music while you have a long conversation with your friends or family.

The pool is also included in the summer plans for pregnant women.

Prevention at all times

Whatever you have in mind to do this summer, always keep in mind that the most important thing is your health and that of the baby you are expecting. Attend your medical check-up before starting your adventure and verify that both are in excellent condition for enjoyment.

Avoid putting yourself at risk if you present:

  • Bleeding or hemorrhage
  • Previous abortions or premature births, ectopic pregnancy or early rupture of the bursa.
  • Placenta abnormalities, diabetes, and / or a history of high blood pressure.
  • Severe anemia

Taking into account all these data, don’t wait any longer; Get out your agenda, plan your days, pack your suitcase and go ahead, summer is waiting for you.

Summer fashion for pregnant mothers

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