5 Benefits Of Good Hydration During Pregnancy

Hydration is capable of improving the state of health during pregnancy and preventing inefficiencies or defects in the development of the fetus’ body.
5 benefits of good hydration during pregnancy

Correct hydration during pregnancy is basic, necessary and mandatory. We must not forget that we are entering a process in which a series of physiological changes take place. Water will play a vital role, as our requirements increase in this regard.

The daily water intake by the pregnant woman increases by at least 300 milliliters. In this way, our body has the necessary amount to attend to the formation of amniotic fluid in its correct direction.

In addition, the intake of water during pregnancy to a greater extent will improve the normal and proper growth of the fetus and add energy that is needed in this wonderful and complex process in which we find ourselves as mothers.

Why is good hydration necessary during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the body establishes preventive mechanisms in order to lower the thirst threshold, so when we feel that we have to drink water, it is usually because the dehydration process begins to take place.


For this reason, it is beneficial to ingest no less than 2.3 liters of water a day. For that, we must establish regular periods of time that in no case will exceed 5 hours.

We must not forget that the European Food Safety Agency, in conjunction with the Water and Health Research Institute, recommends that each pregnant woman increase her water intake by no less than 300 milliliters per day, as we discussed at the beginning of this article.

It is therefore very important to try to avoid the sensation of thirst, because in this way we will not only improve the state of our own organism, but also the health of the fetus and future baby, who will enjoy optimal care with this measure.

Benefits of good hydration during pregnancy

In addition to all the above, good hydration during pregnancy provides many other benefits that will improve the well-being of both the mother and the child. Let’s know the most important:

  • The intake of two liters of water a day provides the essential trace elements and minerals that each organism needs to satisfy its normal needs and functions. As we said, in pregnant mothers you have to increase the intake to at least 2.3 liters.
  • Drinking natural mineral water is an advantage over other types of liquids, as they are protected by the contamination that can be found in others, even if they have been filtered. In this way we ensure that we take minerals and trace elements in their most natural, pure and beneficial state.
  • Water is calorie-free, so it’s great for maintaining healthy lifestyles throughout your pregnancy. That is why we must always prioritize its intake over any other type of beverages.
  • In addition, water allows our body to transport nutrients, eliminate waste, correct digestion and take special care of weight, so necessary in this process of pregnancy.
  • Finally, a fifth benefit that we must highlight is that water powerfully helps the work of the kidneys, which is why it improves intestinal transit by helping to regularize it.

It is clear that proper hydration during pregnancy not only provides great benefits, it is also necessary for the baby’s gestation to be adequate and for the body to overcome the process without complications. This is evidenced by a study published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism journal .


Remember, your well-being is very important, not only for the health of your child, but also for his own development. The better you are, the more attention and happiness your child will receive, hence the importance of water intake.

Other benefits of water intake

In addition, there are other benefits that are worth highlighting. For example, a well-hydrated organism is more purified, thus reducing the risk of urinary tract infections. In addition, a correct intake of water has been shown to reduce the risk of overeating, due to the modulation of appetite.

It also helps to improve the reduction of fluid retention, the purification of toxins in the blood, the hydration of the amniotic sac, the reduction of the risks of hypertension, the condition of the skin and even problems such as constipation, hemorrhoids or morning sickness.

So do not hesitate and maintain the correct hydration during pregnancy of the whole body. Both the body and your child will thank you.

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