5 Benefits Of Using The Abacus With Children

“All of life’s most important learnings are done by playing” —Francesco Tonucci.
5 benefits of using the abacus with children

Of Asian origin, it is an instrument used in schools around the world. Next, we explain the benefits of using the abacus with children.

The abacus is an instrument that children can find in schools and is used to manually perform arithmetic calculations.

It consists of a frame provided with ten parallel ropes or wires, each of which has inserted ten mobile beads or balls with different numerical values, depending on their position.

It was used in ancient times to calculate numbers through the basic arithmetic system. In recent decades, the abacus has been used as a complete brain development tool.

The abacus became popular around the world after being transformed from a calculating instrument to a system that has immense power to benefit young children by stimulating the brain.  In addition to making learning mathematics easy and effective.

The benefits of using the abacus with children.

Educational world

The notion of number, the knowledge of shapes and colors and the discovery of organized sequences are learnings that are gradually built in the nursery, especially through games and manipulations of objects.

In this sense, using the abacus with children provides effective support for the discovery and acquisition of these first notions in different areas of learning.

Keep in mind that their inclusion in the educational world is essential, since it stimulates the brain of the little ones. It allows children to count and do mathematical calculations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

It is a very efficient calculation system that can be used from 3 years of age, with more basic operations, up to 8 years of age, at which point the concept of hundreds can be included.

A game that allows you to learn

It is a perfect instrument to learn since for children it is like a game, in which they have fun and at the same time learn. The abacus makes it very easy for children to learn. Not only this, using the abacus with children also helps them retain information for longer.

5 Benefits of using the abacus with children

Considered the oldest instrument of calculation, the abacus is adapted and appreciated in various cultures. Here are the many benefits of using the abacus with children:

1. Calculation and speed skills

Mathematics is an exercise of the brain. The first benefit that the abacus instills is the development of calculation skills and speed.

Children who use this tool become experts in problem solving. Just 30 minutes of daily practice can help your child perform complex calculations in seconds.

2. Lateral thinking ability

Mathematics builds lateral thinking skill. Abacus training includes hand and eye coordination, which stimulates the right side of the brain. Likewise, the little one can also perform well in sports or music if he is good with the abacus.

3. Positive attitude towards mathematics

Abacus training creates a positive attitude towards math. Most kids who come to school begin to feel that math is not their great option.

Then the lack of motivation begins. It is really important to keep them positive and confident as abacus practice will influence your passion for math.

The benefits of using the abacus with children.

4. Stamina and concentration

Through the abacus the child will learn the power of resistance. Practicing every day will give you patience and help you in the decision-making process in the short, medium and long term.

Every time the little one mentally solves a problem, he concentrates deeply and makes the child more resistant and strong. In addition, the abacus will give you a great capacity for concentration that will serve you to apply in your daily life.

5. Auditory skills and photographic memory

Abacus learners have excellent listening skills and a great photographic memory. They listen to numbers, visualize the abacus in their mind, and solve the problem. Repetition of this method builds strong memorization skills.

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