5 Board Games To Improve Attention

There are several board games on the market that are perfect for improving attention. Here are some of them.
5 board games to improve attention

Attention is a complex functional system that facilitates the processing of information and allows the selection of the necessary stimuli for the performance of different sensory, cognitive or motor activities. Therefore, in this article we propose 5 board games to improve children’s attention.

It is important to develop and work on this ability from childhood, as it is necessary to optimally carry out any cognitive process.

5 board games to improve attention

Lynx: a board game to improve attention

Lince is a board game that consists of taking a card in which a certain image appears, and looking for it among the more than 300 objects that are represented on the board. In this way, in addition to attention and concentration, the development of:

  • Eye-hand coordination.
  • The sense of observation.
  • Visual acuity and discrimination.
  • The reflections.
    Family playing Lynx, one of the board games to improve attention.

As its name suggests, you have to have a lynx’s eyesight to be able to win in this game.

Simón electronic game

Simon is an electronic game created in the 80s but which, today, is still very useful for training attention and memory. It is shaped like a disk, divided into four quadrants, each with a color: green, red, blue and yellow. Which light up and emit sound in a certain order, creating a series that the child must remember. 

Thus, the player has to correctly enter the sequence that he has observed. If successful, the game will increase the level and a longer series will appear.


Dobble is a board game that promotes attention and mental agility. It consists of a total of 55 cards in which there are eight images represented in each one of them. So one of these pictures always matches between two cards.

In this case, the objective of the game is to identify and find the objects that are repeated between the two cards that are drawn, randomly, from the deck. You have to do it as quickly as possible to win.

Speed ​​Cups

The Speed ​​Cups serve to improve attention, reflexes and mental agility, since it consists of observing a card in which a series of objects of different colors appear and, based on this, you have to order, quickly and correctly, goblets of those same colors. In this way, the first player to complete the task and press a bell, which is placed in the center of the table, wins.


Jenga is a simple game but it brings multiple physical and mental benefits, such as improving attention, concentration and:

Family playing Jenga, one of the board games to improve attention.
  • The logical reasoning.
  • Eye-hand coordination.
  • Visuospatial perception.
  • Manual dexterity.

To start playing, you have to build a tower made up of different pieces of wood crisscrossed with each other. Then, in turn, each participant has to remove one of the blocks and place it on top of the tower, trying not to fall, since the player who destroys it loses.

The benefits of using board games to improve attention

Board games are used to entertain and have fun with the family. But, in addition, they are also ideal to promote the practice and training of various cognitive skills, such as attention and concentration.

In this sense, it must be borne in mind that  children learn best by playing, as they feel stimulated in a dynamic, playful and attractive environment. In relation to this, the following phrase by the poet Diane Ackerman should be noted:

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