5 Sacrifices That Moms Make

The relationship between a mother and her child is special and unquestionable. Surely you feel identified with this list of sacrifices that mothers often make.
5 sacrifices moms make

As soon as we have the happy news that we have a baby in our womb, a beautiful feeling called “maternal love” immediately arises. Our face lights up, life is renewed and we are invaded by a self-sacrificing spirit in which our child is the priority. This post compiles the 5 sacrifices that moms make to care for and protect our little one.

When a baby comes into our lives, the goals are rewritten and the objectives take on a new orientation, which includes our little boy first. Self-denial invades us, and giving up many things is something we do naturally and without thinking “twice” just for the sake of our beloved son.  

The dedication, self-denial and maternal love that we instinctively give to our little son, lead us to make extraordinary efforts for his care and protection. All these actions and emotions are generally known as “the sacrifices that moms make.”  

Moms need constant preparation to face this important role in life and we are aware that it is not something easy to achieve. In this sense, we are always in a constant search for information and advice to try to be an exemplary mother: of good manners, loving, capable of educating and properly disciplining our child.

5 sacrifices moms make

Since a baby is in the womb, mothers are determined to transform our body, change habits, substitute interests, manage ourselves financially differently, etc., perhaps some of these changes are synonymous with the sacrifices that mothers make.

mom takes care of sick child

Here are the 5 most common sacrifices that mothers make, for the deep love we feel for our son:

1. Appearance

Being willing to transform the body, “no matter how vain it sounds”, is something that every woman finds uncomfortable. Changing our style of dress due to temporary weight gain and accepting the not very aesthetic stretch marks that remain as a result of pregnancy are sacrifices that we are willing to assume.

2. Interests

Moving the stores we like a bit and the movies we usually enjoy could be replaced by children’s activities or interests of the little one, but it is always worth it and we will feel rewarded when we see their satisfied faces.

3. Habits

Once we bring children into the world “we must lead by example”. In this sense, bad habits such as: smoking, drinking alcohol or eating unhealthy should be gradually changed for the well-being of the child and ourselves.

4. Time

L he moments we dedicate to ourselves decrease considerably, having a child means being quick, accepting a little more stress and developing a lot of patience and tolerance.

5. Organization

When we are mothers, the organization and planning must be restructured to accommodate the innumerable tasks that we must do to guarantee the care and protection of our beloved son.

Your child’s love: the reward for our sacrifices

Children unknowingly have the ability to change all our old aspirations and dreams, despite the immense reward of having that miracle in our family, it more than pays for the things that we put aside (the sacrifices that moms make) just to see them healthy. and happy.

As we get used to a new lifestyle, satisfactions will begin to appear frequently, since  everything will be rewarded with love and sweetness by that little one for whom you work so hard.


This change in life is normalizing until it is integrated into all your interests, fading those memories of sacrifices that moms make and transforming only into love and wishes for progress for both of you.

The smiles, their occurrences, the spontaneous gestures of affection: such as hugs and kisses, drawings, dances, songs, the need for your support, comfort and advice, will replace any memory of a difficult situation that you may have gone through along the way. .

A child is the prolongation of our existence, over time it becomes our maximum accomplice, ally and defender.  A child will accept you just the way you are, love you over anything and everything and will always have each other no matter how old you both are or where you are .

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