5 Short Fables For Children

Children adore animals and, as the protagonists of fables, they are a great resource to educate them in values. These 5 short fables will grab your attention from start to finish.
5 short fables for children

Fables are short stories starring animals that convey a moral. These teachings are not something that is taught in books, but they help you distinguish good behavior from bad. Also, since they originate in popular culture, you may have heard of the following fables with a slightly different version.

Short Fables about Effort

The following fables are examples that sometimes the quickest way is not the best. Today we want to obtain results immediately, so it is increasingly necessary to remember values ​​such as perseverance.

The milkmaid

This fable tells how a girl goes to the market to sell a jug of milk. He makes plans on how he is going to invest the money he receives in eggs, which will produce chickens that he will then sell to buy other animals and increase his profits little by little. However, she is so happy and immersed in her thoughts that the unexpected happens: the jug falls over and all the milk spills out.

Having plans, ideas and projects is important, but paying attention to what is in front of us is even more so. If we neglect the tasks that we have to do now, those projects will be nothing more than castles in the air, since there will be no fruits to reap.

5 short fables for children.

The Ant and the Grasshopper

This fable tells something similar from another point of view. In this case, the cicada spends the summer singing while an ant does not stop working collecting food for the cold winter. And what happens when winter comes? That the cicada has nothing to eat and asks the ant for help, but she refuses.

The teaching is not about not helping others, but about avoiding the lazy attitude of the cicada. For example, if children are constant from a young age and create different study habits and games, they will concentrate more easily. Also, over the years, the goals have a longer journey, so your sense of responsibility also develops.

Short Fables About Respect

Underestimating others or not respecting them is one of the great weaknesses we have. What better way to teach a little humility than with these fables?

The tortoise and the hare

In a race between these two animals, it is clear which one will win, but against all odds, in this fable the turtle wins. The hare is so confident that it will far outpace the tortoise that it even sleeps during the race. However, he sleeps so long that he does not arrive in time to cross the finish line before the turtle.

Appearances can be deceiving, and vanity is not a good friend. Children should not compare themselves with their peers: winning or losing, or getting the best grade or not is not the most important thing. What matters is the effort they have made.

5 short fables for children.

The lion and the Mouse

One day, a mouse wakes up a huge lion and asks that it be left alive and that in return it will help him when he needs it. How could a mouse help a fierce lion? The lion couldn’t imagine it, but he let him go. Some time later, some hunters captured the lion, who roared with all his might for help. The mouse heard him roar and gnawed at the ropes to free the lion.

The moral of this story is that it is important to treat others well, because you never know who you may need at some point. In addition, helping selflessly is one of the pillars for forging friendly relationships.

Other short fables

Country mouse and city mouse , The Raven and the Fox … There are dozens of fables with different teachings, but we are going to highlight one that is as necessary for children as it is for adults.

The goose that laid the golden eggs

Imagine that you have a hen that every so often gives a golden egg. If this is possible, it is because the hen has gold inside, right? This is what the owners of the goose that laid the golden eggs thought, but to their surprise, when they killed her, she had no gold inside. Therefore, they were left without a chicken and golden eggs.

Greed and impatience make us lose the north. Sometimes knowing how to conform and take care of what we have is better, because in a moment we can lose everything.

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