6 Tactics To Encourage Children To Study At Home

Children and adolescents leave tired and do not want to start doing their homework again. Parents play a very important role in motivating them to study at home.
6 tactics to encourage children to study at home

Starting to do homework after a whole morning in class can be unpleasant for children and adolescents. The only thing they want is to play or go out with their friends. Therefore, the role of parents is important to encourage children to study at home. Here are some strategies to get your child motivated at home.

It is important that, from the time they are small, you provide them with a solid foundation on which to build and look for those study techniques that best suit them. Parents should help them in that search so that when they start to study it will be easier for them.

Do not forget that, as parents, it is essential to accompany, recommend, guide and encourage them, both in bad times and in good times and especially in difficult and complex ones.

Encouraging children to study at home: why is it so difficult for them?

Most children have a hard time getting home and doing their homework and studying. Parents often get into a battle to get them to sit down and spend some time reviewing what they have given in class.

Boy studying at home with computer.

Now this situation has intensified with the health crisis that we are going through. Many children have to study telematically from home and this costs them a lot. Do not forget that they are in their environment, so distractions increase, which hinder sustained attention and concentration, both essential for study.

Good motivation will make the home study process easier. Being motivated plays an important role in the predisposition to learn, as do emotions, since they are crucial for good learning. Being sad, tired, anxious or stressed will make children not want to sit down to study. However, a happy, content, calm and rested child will be able to do it.

Strategies to Encourage Children to Study at Home

Promoting concentration and motivating children to study at home can be challenging, but it is not impossible. Here are some tactics that can help your child study at home.

Set small, specific goals

To motivate children to study, it is important that you set goals together that are not too ambitious. To do this, sit down with your son and determine between the two of you the objectives that he must achieve in the short and medium term.

It is very important that these objectives are achievable and possible because, in this way, you will be motivated as they are achieved. On the contrary, if you set very ambitious goals, the child may not reach them and end up frustrated and unmotivated, so they will not want to study either.

Some examples could be getting a 7 in language, doing homework every day of the week, underlining the pages given in class every day, etc. You can put them on a blackboard or sticky notes in your diary so that you can cross out as you achieve the objectives. Thus, by seeing your achievements, your motivation will increase.

Reward effort

You should not yell or yell at him when he doesn’t finish homework on time or a test doesn’t get him well prepared. What you should do is highlight the moments when he does well so that he feels important and fulfilled. Use phrases like: “Congratulations, you did very well” or “Congratulations! Do you see how you are able to achieve what you propose? ”.

Set a schedule for home

Just like you have a schedule in class, it is important that you establish a schedule for home. Of course, including free time to play or do whatever you want. One recommendation is to organize each day according to your class schedule, that is, if one day has had mathematics, in your schedule you will allocate some time to do the homework for that subject or review.

In this way, you will help him to organize and motivate himself by seeing that he meets his schedule and that, in addition, he has free time to do what he wants the most.

Encourage children to study at home and encourage their concentration

Depending on the possibilities of each home and of the family, it is possible to  try that the children have a fixed space in which to study, without there being distractions around. If a boy has his own space in which he is isolated from the rest of the house, his concentration will be greater. You must have what you need to study and not have to get up to look for the material.

Father helping his children to study at home.

Adapt to the child

It must be taken into account that the way of learning, the needs and interests of each child are different. If this is taken into account, it will be easier to motivate them.

There are children who need a background noise to concentrate, others, however, need absolute silence, others, study moving around the room, etc. For all this, parents should not impose a way of studying; You have to adapt to the needs of your children because each one has a way of learning.

Take an interest in your homework

Get involved in his homework, ask him about his classes, his favorite subjects, know when he has exams, worry about if he has any questions about his homework to help him solve it … In short:  accompany him if he needs it and always be interested in his things.

In short, these are some ideas that you can apply so that your child feels motivated to carry out their homework at home.

Do not forget that a motivated, happy and happy child will have an easier time learning and studying. Therefore, a pleasant climate in the home will also play an important role. Now it’s your turn to implement one of these strategies to help your child work at home.

How to create a good homework space at home

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