6 Ways To Prevent Behavior Problems

6 ways to prevent behavior problems

It is much better to be safe than sorry. This maxim is very useful in the education of children, among other things, with regard to behavior problems. In fact, one of the best discipline techniques is prevention. 

If parents are able to prevent behavior problems in their children before they start, it will be easier to have a much happier family life. However, preventing behavior problems takes a little time and effort. However, it is a good investment of time in the long term.

Develop a healthy relationship

Getting along with children makes them more likely to be motivated to behave well. In this sense, children will be much more willing to follow the rules if they feel loved and respected.

To achieve this, it is necessary to provide the child with positive attention, dedicate quality time to them and deal with them as long as possible in a pleasant atmosphere of dialogue and understanding.

mother talking about behavior with her son

Create clear rules and explain the consequences of breaking them

For children to be able to follow certain rules, it is important that they are clear and leave no room for doubt, especially when it comes to expectations. The rules should not leave room for doubt and should be the same in all situations.

It is necessary to explain them carefully, without assuming that the child understands them. If the child does not comply, it is important to first make sure that he knows what the problem was and explain what he should have done. The rules should be reviewed from time to time to make sure that everything is clear and to adapt them to the different needs that arise with age.

In addition to making the rules clear, it is important to clarify the consequences of breaking them. Once you have explained the rules, you should explain to your child what will happen if he breaks them, that is, tell him what the consequences will be. Your child is less likely to want to challenge the rules or test your limits if he knows how you are going to respond.

Their good behavior stands out

When you see that your child is being good, highlight his good behavior, praising his efforts to behave well and praising his good behavior. It’s not about rewarding him, just making him see that you value his behavior.

This positive reinforcement will help you understand what to do well and will repeat these behaviors in the future.  However, don’t do it by comparing him to anyone, especially a brother. If you want to reward him, do it with privileges, not with material things.

Create a reinforcement system

When you want a positive behavior to be repeated there is nothing better than using a positive reinforcement system. These systems seek to continuously and systematically highlight the behavior to be developed.

Through a previously established reward system, the child’s behavior is highlighted. The child must know what is expected of him and what is not. This is especially effective when children show difficulty in certain positive behaviors.

mother playing with her daughter

Agree with the rest of the people who care

Although the rules do not have to be exactly the same in all areas, it helps many to agree with all the people who take care of the child to all go on the same line.

In this sense, it is important that the father, the mother and the people who remain with the child work with the same strategies and are clear about what behaviors that must be addressed from the point of view of discipline.

Teach the child about his feelings and impulse control

When children understand their feelings, they are much more likely to have control over their behaviors. That is why children need to be taught skills to handle feelings such as childhood anger, sadness, frustration, and disappointment.

In addition, it is important to teach the child to control his impulses.  When children can control their impulses they are less likely to react aggressively or defiantly. In addition, when children develop impulse control, their social life improves and they tend to achieve better academic results.

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