7 Factors That Influence A Child’s Height

7 factors that influence a child's height

We are always concerned about the factors that influence the height of the child, therefore, we constantly monitor their growth and ensure that they feed correctly. Contrary to what it really is, many times we consider that growth is linked only to food.

This is not the case, there are many factors that influence the height of the child, such as genetics and other factors that are not so named, but that also directly influence.

Factors that influence the height of the child


This is one of the most named and common factors. And yes, genetics directly influence the height of the infant, in fact, it is one of the strongest factors. So if everyone in the family is tall, the children are most likely tall. The genetic load is of great relevance.


Girls are generally one or two centimeters shorter than boys. There is also a cranial difference, boys have a slightly more voluminous head, normally it is one or two centimeters larger than that of girls. Of course, this varies according to genetic makeup and

Environmental conditions

This refers to the fact that both the climate and the environmental conditions of a certain geographical area influence the size that a human being can reach during its growth period. For example, in Scandinavian countries, people tend to be tall. While, on the other hand, there are people who live in high-rise cities and are smaller in size.

Diet is considered the most important factor, but it is not isolated

A good diet

Another of the most named and well-known factors. Good nutrition from the time the child is in its mother’s womb, until adolescence. When we talk about eating right, we mean eating healthy with all the vitamins and proteins your body needs, it doesn’t go directly with the ratio.

By eating very large proportions, children instead of growing tall, are growing wide. It is very important that you eat correctly.

Although we could note that the genetic issue is one of the factors that influence the height of the child – and that it is one of the strongest – feeding is also essential. We must study if we are feeding our children correctly, more than by quantity, for the nutrients and vitamins that their body is receiving. If not, we must inform ourselves to begin to do so.

  • Low-income areas.  In low-income places, such as Africa, for example, children do not tend to eat properly and their bodies do not receive the necessary nutrients, this has the consequence that your body is not developing properly.

Not getting enough sleep

Sleep is extremely important for humans, even more so for a child. Growth hormone or GH or somatotropin has a higher activity at night although it is also secreted in peaks every 3 to 5 hours during the day.

Practice sports

Physical activity stimulates the production of bone cells that help build strong, healthy bones. Sports like basketball can greatly help children grow.

Height also depends on physical exercise

Studies indicate that genetics influence more than diet

According to studies conducted by GIANT researchers, a child’s height is 80% determined by genes. The other 20% depends on factors such as nutrition and the environment. But many studies are still needed to determine other factors.

Other more recent research by more than 300 medical institutions has identified more than 400 genes that could influence the height of humans, more than double that had been discovered.

To get to know these results, the scientists analyzed data from the genomes of a total of 253,288 people,  detecting a total of 627 variants in 424 different genetic regions, all directly related to height.

What influences my child's height?

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