7 Things Not To Say To Parents With Only One Child

Whether consciously or due to various circumstances, many parents have only one child. In fact, this trend has grown in recent years. This can generate good or bad-intentioned comments that should be avoided.
7 things you should not say to parents with only one child

The decision to be parents with only one child is often the reason for comments from family, friends and acquaintances. If you know parents with only one child, it is good that you know how to avoid expressions that can make them feel bad.

In addition, you should know that having an only child is a very valid option in our times. Currently, up to 40% of new couples decide to have only one child.

Reasons for having only one child

There are many reasons that can lead a couple to this decision, from economic factors to medical ones. The truth is that this decision is very personal and should not be a reason for criticism by others.

  • Being parents at a late age can be a reason to have only one child.
  • Have a desire to pursue a professional career rather than raise a large family.
  • Have more freedom and time to share with the couple, friends or travel.
  • Modern society no longer sees large families as advantageous.
  • Problems conceiving or the loss of a previous pregnancy can lead to a couple having only one child.
  • An unfavorable economic situation.
  • Wanting to spend quality time with just one child instead of sharing it with many children.
The decision to parent with only one child is completely legitimate.

7 things not to say to parents with only one child

Only children grow up in a different environment than those who do have siblings. But this does not indicate that it is worse. Therefore, avoid the following expressions towards parents with only one child:

Your child must feel very lonely

There is a difference between being alone and feeling alone. Parents will see to it that he gets together with other children and has different experiences.

When you get older you won’t have much help

Although this statement has a certain degree of truth, the truth is that having many children is not a guarantee of good parental care either.

Your life is very easy with only one child

Reasons on both sides. Large families demand more time and resources. But perhaps  parents with only one child know that it is just what they can take on.

Do they have fertility problems?

This question, in addition to being indiscreet, has little to do with the decision to keep only one child. Although fertility was the problem, it is an issue that parents may not want to discuss.

They don’t really know what it means to be a parent.

This expression tends to hurt a lot. The have only one child does not detract parenthood. Remember, there is a saying that the father of one is the father of many.

Your son will be a brat

Whether a child is spoiled, misbehaves or throws tantrums in public is related to the education given by his parents, not to having or not having siblings.

Why are you so selfish and don’t give him a little brother?

Bringing a child into the world is a wonderful experience. Procreating a single child does not have a selfish feeling at all. The important thing is that you give all your love to your children, be they one or more.

Challenges Faced by Parents of Only Children

Some of the challenges of being parents with only one child are the following:

  • An only child will be more dependent and will demand more attention from his parents.
  • Only children tend to seek to be the center of attention.
  • They may have a hard time sharing as you are not used to sharing.
  • It is difficult for him to give in with other children, because when he spends a lot of time alone he usually makes the decisions.
Small details make the difference.

Advantages of having an only child

Obviously, the fact that more and more parents decide to have only one child also has benefits:

  • These children tend to mature more quickly.
  • They present a high degree of imagination and creativity.
  • They can have friends of different ages.
  • They do not usually suffer from jealousy or envy, although they must be taught to deal with these feelings before arriving at school.
  • Their environment can be enriched by dealing with adults.
  • They are usually very safe children.

If you decide with your partner to be parents with only one child, you do not have to feel bad. You may even be able to prepare yourself to respond with respect and firmness to certain comments. Although there is no shortage of criticizing your decision, do not get carried away by stereotypes.

Study says only children have a more flexible mind

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