8 Details That Mean A Lot To Your Children

The little details are what really matter in family life, and in the lives of our children!
8 details that mean a lot to your kids

When you have children, you establish a unique bond that no one else lives if it is not in your place or in theirs as children. Although there are aspects that sometimes make circumstances difficult, there are other details that no matter how small they seem, mean a lot to your children, and they come only from you.

You should know that children are very analytical in their innocence and constant activity. They notice most of the things you do for them, but they also notice when you stop doing them and that sometimes affects their moods.

The value of the little things

There are things that, although for us as adults, are not very important, for them as children they are crucial. They can be great reasons for happiness or sadness depending on the context.

There are many ways to show love for those we care about, such as love for our children. One is the language of small details that with children are much more important and meaningful, not only in the moment but for their entire life.

8 Simple details to make your children happy

1. Use the gifts I give you in public

Children are from a young age and due to multiple factors, creative. It is there when at any time they make you cards, or accessories for “daily” use that for them look luxurious. They make them for you with all their love and the least you should do is value them and use them when possible.

family details

2. Dance with them, it’s one of the funniest details!

The active pauses while important for us as adults, are much more important in them as children. Give him a break from his other activities, and dance with them, sing, and become a kid too.

3. Leave notes of affection or a sweet surprise from time to time

If there is something that most of our children love, it is surprises, and what better than an unexpected note from us as parents, reminding them how much we love them, and love them. They love it and they will learn to do it too!

4. Have a special day just for them in the week

You do not have to schedule the day that you will dedicate only to them, since occupations do not always allow you to keep the same schedule, however, a day or an afternoon of movies and popcorn will make a difference in the behavior that your child will have with you and with others.

5. Show enthusiasm and interest in what he likes

When your child comes in telling you about something he discovered or did during the day, no matter what mood or fatigue you are, pay attention to him, listen to him, and ask him questions about the same thing he is telling you. So he will know that he has your support and your interest whenever he wants to tell you something, and therefore his confidence will be strengthened.

6. Create a slogan or motto for your family and ask your child for help

A slogan resembles animated series, teamwork and fun, and if in addition to that, you ask your children for help, they will feel even more important.   They will see that the bond that unites you is the strongest affective bond you have.

Happy family

7. Let them choose their clothes as one of the daily details.

C onfĂ­a in your children, no limits on certain things for them to see that trust in their tastes, their preferences regarding fashion for example, and that they can create their own personality you support. Under certain guidelines, let them pick something they like and are age-appropriate.

8. Ask your children something you don’t know how to do

It doesn’t matter if you actually already know how to do certain activities in which you know they are successful. Ask them to teach you, make them feel intelligent and capable of transmitting knowledge and above all, share it with others while preserving patience and humility.

As you have seen, there are multiple details that do not need much effort for your children to see how much you love them, and their bonds are strengthened daily. In addition, you will notice that the relationship you have with them is much closer, friendly and lasting, which will be of fundamental importance when they reach the age of adolescence.

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