8 Essential Children’s Book Publishers

Knowing the most important children’s literature publishers will let you know where to look for the best books for children.
8 essential children's book publishers

Behind a great author, a beautiful story or some elaborate illustrations, there is a publishing house in charge of carrying out all the work prior to its sale to the public. Knowing these publishers will make information professionals, teachers and families know when they are in front of a good book. For this reason, below we leave you some, but not all, of the essential children’s book publishers.

Essential children’s book publishers

1. Kalandraka

The Galician publishing house Kalandraka has made its way to the top of the essential children’s book publishers. Its importance is such that in 2012 it obtained the National Award for the Best Cultural Editorial Work, being the first publishing house totally specialized in children’s and young people’s literature to do so.

Through the great details of its illustrated albums and the adaptations of those traditional stories that we have all read, among others, the Kalandra publishing house is now essential in children’s literature.

Essential publishers of children's books.

This editorial, in addition, advocates very important values ​​in the children’s audience such as education in equality and tolerance. 

Due to the importance it has acquired, Kalandraka announces two annual awards for the best illustrated album or the best poetry for children. A fantastic initiative to expand children’s literature.

2. Babidí-bu, one of the essential publishers of children’s books

There are two objectives that the Babidí-bu publishing house has for its children and young readers. First of all, promote a series of values in each of your books and stories.

Second, encourage the development of imagination through their stories and illustrations, which will make our little ones fly to incredible places.

3. Corimbus

21 years in the world of publishing are those that this small publishing house has managed to establish itself among the best essential publishers of children’s books.

The objective that Corimbo has is none other than families and, especially, children, so that they read their stories and enjoy and have fun with them. In addition, they advocate a key aspect in the world of reading: the importance of joint participation between teachers, family and professionals in the field of reading and culture.

More essential children’s book publishers

4. La Guarida Editions

This Salamanca publishing house is committed to one of the best things that children must develop during their childhood: the imagination. Therefore, there is no better way to develop this imagination of which we speak than through reading children’s books.

The books of this publisher are intended to stimulate and discover new experiences while children enjoy their fun and surprising stories.

5. Kókinos

The Kókinos publishing house is one of the essential publishers of children’s literature. From it, great best-selling children’s books have emerged such as The gluttonous little caterpillar  or Guess how much I love you .

The aim of this publishing house is to create books with a lot of love, since they will produce stories that will dazzle the little ones in the house.

Essential publishers of children's books.

6. CloudEight

NubeOcho is one of the essential publishers of children’s books due to the specialization that it has with picture books. These albums are one of the types of books that the little ones in the house like the most, since their illustrations make their imagination delve into history in a fantastic way.

7. Thule

This editorial s and focuses on designing books, how to draw the attention of the young audience and catch them as well, with their stories. Like some of these must-have children’s book publishers, Thule also places great importance on imagination and the fantastic worlds it creates.

8. Flamboyant

Finally, after 10 years in the market, Flamboyant is among the leading publishers in the field of children and youth. Its objective lies in the importance of acquiring reading habits from a young age, and of creating strong and special family bonds as a result of reading and books.

Personalized books, the new trend

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