8 Games To Promote Reasoning And Logic

Stimulating reasoning and logic in children is very important and brings many benefits to their intellectual development.
8 games to encourage reasoning and logic

Promoting logical thinking is essential so that children can understand more abstract concepts and develop their logical-mathematical intelligence. Therefore, in the following lines we are going to see some games to promote reasoning and logic.

Stimulating these abilities has enormous benefits for the development of a child’s intelligence. That is why parents must bear in mind that we can enrich these skills through activities with our children, including certain educational games with which to work in these areas.

Games to promote reasoning and logic: how do you get it?

This type of intelligence can be enhanced in all children, but the degree of ability they reach will depend on their level. Like all abilities, it is necessary to work on them in order to reach high levels, which will be of great use to you throughout your life.

Girl playing games to encourage reasoning and logic.

Using games to encourage reasoning and logic has enormous benefits:

  • Increases the development of their logical-mathematical intelligence.
  • Increases thinking and reasoning.
  • It helps them to find solutions to the different problems they may encounter.
  • Improved ability to formulate hypotheses and predict consequences.
  • Improve reasoning about what goals you want to achieve and how to do it.
  • It provides order and meaning to the decisions or actions they take.
  • Improves the ability to establish relationships between concepts, making them come to have a full understanding of the subject.

Now we are going to see some of the games that can help our children to promote their reasoning and logic in a fun and simple way. Keep reading and don’t miss it!

Games to promote reasoning and logic

Games are a wonderful resource to help our children develop different skills. With these that we are going to see next, we will promote their reasoning and logic skills while having a fun time alone or playing with the family.

Wooden tetris

There are wooden Tetris on the market that include 40 pieces and are very beneficial in fostering logical thinking, hand-eye coordination, and imagination. This game is recommended for children from 3 years old. It can be played at home by assembling and disassembling the colored pieces to fit them together.

Children’s chess, one of the games to promote reasoning and logic

Chess is the game of strategy par excellence and it has enormous benefits:

  • Increases IQ development.
  • Prevents Alzheimer’s.
  • Improves memory.
  • Stimulates creativity.
  • Helps with problem solving.
  • Teaches planning and forecasting.
  • Promotes concentration.

If we start using it with the smallest of the house, the results can be enormous.

Dinosaurs: Mysterious Islands

This game is very beneficial for increasing visual perception and strategic planning. The objective is to save the green dinosaurs (herbivores) from the red ones (carnivorous T-Rex). This game is suitable for ages 5 to 99, and consists of 80 challenges ordered from least to greatest degree of difficulty, so we can play with our children while fostering our strategy skills.

Crazy monkeys

Crazy monkeys  consists of a tree that has a large number of monkeys attached to it thanks to different colored sticks. The objective is to remove the sticks and prevent the primates from falling to the ground. This game encourages logical thinking and strategy, as you have to figure out how to remove the sticks without the monkeys falling.

IQ link Smart Game

This game contains 120 challenges progressively. It consists of a resistant board that serves as a case to store the pieces so that they do not get lost. It motivates and develops logical thinking and, due to its size, allows you to take it anywhere and spend hours playing with it.

Temple Trap

It is a puzzle game that has 48 progressive challenges from low to high difficulty with which children can spend long hours playing while developing logic. It consists of a maze that they have to try to get out of using logical reasoning.

Girl playing Jenga.

Tangram  to encourage reasoning and logic

Tangram is a very popular game that not only works on reasoning, but is also useful for children to acquire knowledge about geometry. This game consists of different geometric shapes with which the child has to form different figures as indicated by the model.

Penguins on ice

This is a puzzle game that also consists of 60 progressive challenges in terms of difficulty. With it logic and spatial skills are developed. Being of a small size, it can be taken anywhere, in this way, the child will be entertained anywhere while promoting their intellectual capacity.

In short, these games to promote reasoning and logic are ideal for children to have fun while stimulating these abilities. As we have already seen in the previous lines, they provide numerous benefits to our children and help them further develop their cognitive abilities.

So, if you don’t know what to give your child, nephew, friend, etc., you can look for one of these games. It will surely be a triumph and, in addition to entertaining children, it will be very positive for their intellectual development.

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