8 Home Remedies For Coughs

It goes without saying that, for whatever reason, no one likes to suffer from the discomfort caused by a cough. When this symptom appears in your child, it is convenient to know certain techniques to calm her down.
8 home remedies for cough

Taking into account that coughing is one of the main conditions associated with the flu, which is quite common in children, we present some home remedies to relieve coughs.

Any of them can serve you in your desperation to find an effective solution to counteract this difficult picture every time it presents itself.

The best remedies for children’s coughs

Keep in mind that in addition to the following remedies, if the cough is very bad, you may need drug treatment.

1 . Honey bees

If your child likes honey, you can give him a tablespoon when the cough appears. It has proven to be an effective treatment. Other alternatives are:

  • Honey with lemon : mix the same amount of honey with natural lemon juice.
  • Oregano and honey infusion : add two tablespoons of honey to half a cup of oregano infusion while it is warm. Give it to your child to drink when the cough starts.
  • Infusion of thyme, honey and lemon juice : give the remedy while it is warm. Serve half a cup of infusion and then add the juice of half a lemon and two tablespoons of honey.
Not all medicines are appropriate for babies.
  • Chocolate drink with honey : pour a cup of water, add a tablespoon of dark chocolate and wait for a few minutes to boil. Lower the drink from the heat, allow it to cool and strain it. Then add two tablespoons of honey and give it to your child while it is warm.
  • Honey, onion and lemon syrup : to prepare this infusion, chop a large onion and mash it well. It is essential that it is completely crushed so that it releases its juices well. Subsequently, strain it and add the same amount that you have obtained of honey and lemon juice; Give a tablespoon of this syrup to your child when he has a cough.

    2. Warm cloths

    When your child starts coughing,  heat some cloths with the iron and put them on his chest. As they cool, replace them with hot ones.

    3. Menthol vapors

    Put a container of water on the fire. When it starts to boil, add a few servings of menthol and remove the container from the heat. Before it loses its aroma, bring your child closer to breathe in the steam it gives off.

    If you are going to put a cloth on it to take advantage of the vaporization, introduce your face next to his. Water vapor can burn you; Only in this way will you be able to check how hot it is.

    4. Menthol on the soles of the feet

    Smear menthol on the soles of your little one’s feet and cover them with socks and shoes so they won’t touch them. Your persistent cough will ease right away.

    5. Onion

    Cut an onion into portions, put them in a sock of your child and tie a knot at the end so that it does not come out. At bedtime, hang the stocking on the head of his crib or bed so that he can breathe in that smell and reduce his cough. According to a study published in the journal Respiratory Medicine Case Reports , onion is a useful remedy for treating coughs, especially that caused by infections with microorganisms.

    We recommend a small stocking so that, if by any chance he reaches it, it will not be so easy for him to remove the onion portions.

    There are certain medications that are best not given to children.

    6. Eucalyptus fumes

    Boil eucalyptus branches. When it reaches a boil, remove the container from the heat and bring your child to the steam that emerges to smell it. Be careful with hot water.

    7. Give him water to drink

    Offer him water;  If the child does not mind, add a few drops of lemon juice as well.

    8. Avoid antihistamines if it is a flu cough

    If your child has a dry cough, as it is commonly known, caused by an allergy, you can medicate him with the antihistamine that you are used to and you know that it suits him well.

    However, if the cough is a consequence of the flu, avoid giving this type of medicine and opt for home remedies instead. Antihistamines can make the phlegm from a cold thicker; This, in the long run, can spread the illnesses associated with your cold or the spread of the flu virus.

    Measures to prevent coughing

    We should not only focus on curing the child when he has a cough. As always, prevention is also a key point here, even when the little one is already sick.

    Therefore, whatever the reason for the cough, keep your child warm, especially if it has rained or is cold. Don’t let him play with water; In any case, take him to the bathroom and shower him with lukewarm water while he is distracted, so that his cough will improve. Also, avoid candy and invite him to play passive games so that he does not get upset and start coughing.

    As you may have noticed, the alternatives to alleviate this annoying symptom are several; the best thing is that there are them for all tastes, since we know that not all children are the same, nor are their bodies. Don’t wait to try which one works for you!

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