How To Choose The Ideal Bottle For Your Baby?

How to choose the ideal bottle for your baby?

Choosing the correct bottle for our baby is sometimes an overlooked task. If we want our little one to feel satisfied during his first days and growth, it is important to give him the best.

When feeding our little ones, we must not downplay the importance of choosing the right bottle for him. Before choosing any of the bottles that you have seen in stores or have in mind for him, you must take into account a series of factors that will provide the best comfort when feeding him.

Many times, when buying them, we simply go to the recognized brands in the market, without asking ourselves what our little boy really needs during his first days and growth.

That is why we inform you of all the details you should look at before buying this utensil, vital for the well-being and comfort of our little ones.

What should you look for to choose the perfect bottle?

Bottle material

If we take into account that this is our baby’s first encounter with chemicals and its food source will be found there, it is very important to choose the right material for the bottle.

During the first months of the baby it is advisable to use glass bottles, since these are easy to sterilize, for the proper care of the little one.

Once the little one grows, for functionality and protection, it is best to change to a plastic one. But, stop! Here we want to make some comments.

Some doctors completely forbid the use of plastic bottles during the first days of our children, since this material, in most cases, contains a type of chemical called BPA, which is risky for the health of our little ones. .

Therefore, it is best to check the product labels and verify that it is free of BPA, PVC and PC. In case it does not indicate it, you can also look at the inside of the recycling symbol. It is safe if it contains the numbers 1,2, 4 and 5, but you should avoid the numbers 3, 6 and 7.

Nipple type

Not all nipples work and adapt correctly to the needs of the baby. You should also take into account the material of these. These generally vary according to what you consider to be the most comfortable for your little one.

The best nipples are silicone and latex. Both are very good and as we said before, it depends on you and your little boy.

The silicone ones are the favorite for many mothers. They are harder and firmer, compared to latex. They are easier to wash and last longer due to their resistant material.

The latex ones are soft and flexible and can be very comfortable for your baby’s mouth. What you have to take into account is that they can easily deteriorate, so it is advisable to change it every so often, when you notice any more opening, where the milk can spill and upset your baby.

Another aspect to take into account is the shape of the nipple.

There are several, including anatomical, rounded or drop. The anatomical one closely resembles the shape of the maternal nipple. The physiological one is flat and symmetrical, which makes it adapt perfectly to the baby’s mouth. And the round one is large but maintains a good flow when the milk falls.

Bottle size and shape

Lastly, size is very important. It varies as our baby grows. It is recommended that during the first month you buy a 90 to 120ml bottle. During their first months, babies tend to bottle feed 8 to 10 times a day, so a small bottle is ideal at first.

Then, as it grows, during the six months, you can opt for a size between 120 to 180ml. And from six months onwards, one from 180 to 240ml. He needs to be more nourished and you start giving him solids.

The shapes are very varied, but the most recommended are the classic cylindrical models, because they adapt well to the hands of any baby. The triangular ones, which are flirtatious and give stability. And those that are wider, which favor preparation and cleaning.

Choosing the ideal bottle for your baby does not have to be so complicated, look for the one that you consider that best makes him feel and take into account the advice that we give you. It is up to you that your baby is well, healthy and all his needs are met.

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