Tips To Prevent Hair Loss During Breastfeeding

Tips to prevent hair loss while breastfeeding

Hair loss is one of the changes that a woman can experience in both pregnancy and lactation, due to the hormonal changes that take place in the body. In some cases it is more noticeable than in others, however, in general it tends to cause a lot of concern. After all, the mother does not want to lose one of her physical attributes.

There are women who notice how their hair improves during pregnancy, others, on the other hand, notice a weakening. This is normal since not all organisms are the same. In addition, there are many factors to take into account, starting with the lifestyle. 

The 5 tips to avoid hair loss

Hair loss is an issue that can be prevented by adopting healthy lifestyle habits and reinforcing certain aspects of the day to day. To help you, here are some tips.

Choose the right shampoo

To prevent hair loss, choose the right products.

Although it seems like an obvious recommendation, in reality, it is not. During breastfeeding it is important to choose a shampoo that meets current needs ; That is, if before pregnancy you used a shampoo for dry hair but now you have it rather mixed, you must use the respective product and not the one you used to.

Some recommend taking advantage of the range of products that help increase hair volume, to deeply nourish it and restore its good appearance. There are many options available.

Visit your stylist

Getting a haircut (either just the ends or a good section) will help you prevent or slow down hair loss because it relieves the ‘extra weight’ and, of course, allows you to get rid of split ends and split ends. most battered section of hair. So, maybe you should reconsider that change of look that you wanted to do so much.

When you keep your hair long, poorly maintained, the strands do not receive the amount of nutrients they need to stay healthy and, therefore, they end up looking bad.

Treat it with care

To avoid hair loss you must pay attention to the way you care for your hair. For example, the way you squeeze it at the end of the bath, the way you dry it even when you’re in a hurry, etc., may seem like minor matters, but they actually carry a lot of weight.

Some recommendations for day to day are:

  • Let it dry naturally.
  • Avoid long and frequent use of the dryer, as well as the use of irons and curling irons.
  • Do not comb it while it is very wet.
  • Dry it gently with a towel, avoiding twisting or rubbing it roughly.

Use the conditioner correctly

Not all hair needs a conditioner. For example, those that are thin and tend to produce fat easily, it is preferable that they are not treated with this product. If you want to increase the volume of your hair, it is preferable to avoid the conditioner.

If you decide to apply it, do it only from the middle of the hair towards the ends. Never about the roots. It is understood that the conditioner can clog the pores, preventing the natural respiration of the hair follicle, which causes them to fall later.

Hair loss and lifestyle

Hair loss while breastfeeding can also be avoided through taking care of other areas. You need to improve your eating habits, avoid stress and put yourself in the hands of the experts.

Hair may fall out if you need a particular vitamin or element. The doctor can recommend a supplement and give advice on eating.

On the other hand, it is known that stress is a common cause of hair loss. In this sense, it is convenient that you seek to balance your activities so that you can do more pleasant things. Avoid overloading yourself with many tasks and worries.

Fortunately, breastfeeding is a time that does not last forever. Soon your body will begin to return to its normal rhythm and the hormones will stop doing their thing.

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