What To Eat After Childbirth To Increase Defenses?

Feeding the mother after delivery is essential to ensure the physical and mental recovery of her body and that, in turn, can offer optimal breastfeeding to the baby. 
What to eat after childbirth to increase defenses?

Knowing what to eat after childbirth to increase defenses is one of the concerns of every mother. At this stage, the new mother wants to have excellent health in order to regain her strength and her best condition, since it is clear that, with the act of childbirth, the body needs the right nutrients and vitamins to normalize her wounds.

When it comes to healthy eating, there aren’t many secrets. We all know that eating fruits and vegetables, lean meats, nuts and oils rich in omega 3 raises the body’s defenses and leads to a stabilization of all values.

Now, the question lies in knowing which of these foods should be eaten in greater quantity and the exact recommended portions of each. For all this, we present you this informative text with some of the most outstanding foods for their nutrients. With them, you can immediately start to boost your defenses.

What to eat after childbirth to increase defenses?

The first consideration to take into account after delivery is that the breastfeeding period begins, so the mother must eat very specific foods. It is important that the diet that you decide to establish is endorsed by the treating doctor or a nutritionist, who will be the most indicated when dictating a balanced eating guide.

Once this aspect is understood, the purpose of this article is to indicate the natural and healthy foods that are already recognized as beneficial for the defenses. In addition, there are also some simple ideas so you know how to prepare them deliciously.

Recommended foods


Fruits top this list, as they represent one of the most powerful food groups to raise defenses thanks to their high load of vitamins. Most have a high level of vitamin C, which is responsible for keeping the immune system in optimal condition.

According to research published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine , taking this nutrient reduces the risk of colds and improves your recovery.

Fruit salads are a refreshing option for children in summer.

Among the fruits that condense more nutrients per serving, the following stand out:

  • Oranges
  • Black currants.
  • Kiwi.
  • Papaya.
  • Berries.

The most suitable time of day for consumption is during the morning, in the form of a delicious fruit salad.

Vegetables and legumes

Among the vegetables and vegetables that contain more vitamins and strengthen the defenses, the most prominent are paprika, squash and parsley; the latter is very useful due to its versatility to be used at all meals. As for legumes, lentils stand out, a grain with a more than exquisite flavor.

On the other hand, if it is to restore the mother’s health after childbirth, all green leafy vegetables such as spinach, alfalfa or chard should be eaten in abundance.  These have vitamin K, which helps restore the breakdown of tissues that have been compromised at the time of delivery or cesarean section.

Fish rich in Omega 3

The so-called fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, trout and herring, stand out for containing large amounts of omega 3. This component is essential to maintain the health of the body in optimal condition and even prevent the appearance of numerous pathologies.

The daily amounts established to guarantee a sufficient consumption of omega 3 in lactating women is 1.3 grams per day. This nutrient will also reduce inflammation in the body. Experts recommend its regular contribution to reduce the risk of developing complex and autoimmune diseases.

If in your case you decide to maintain a vegetarian diet, you should know that you can find omega 3 in abundance in products such as eggs, flaxseed, chia, walnuts and various dried fruits. Also, they are to a lesser extent in dairy products such as yogurt and soy milk.

In any case, it is good that you consult with your doctor before making any radical decisions regarding your diet.

Rosehip is one of the infusions suitable for breastfeeding thanks to its contribution of vitamins C, B1, B2 and K. 


Infusions are perfect allies when it comes to raising defenses. And not only that: they provide a great well-being and a state of relaxation to the mother that undoubtedly contribute to the strengthening of her health. Among those highlighted for their multiple properties, we have valerian, coriander, hibiscus, cranberry, cinnamon, hops and lemon balm.

Optimize diet to improve immune function

As a final point, remember that your recovery after childbirth and the fact that you have high defenses will largely depend on the way you have fed during pregnancy.  Therefore, homework should focus on staying healthy before, during, and after delivery.

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