Hey Mom, You Need To Have Healthy Habits

Hey mom, you need to have healthy habits

Being a radiant mom at all times, and enjoying good health, undoubtedly radiates more beauty than a Channel suit and is one of the best life goals of any woman.

Cultivating healthy habits throughout life – and not only during pregnancy and breastfeeding – will help you stay healthy at all times and will add energy so that your body can successfully cope with the exhausting task of raising your children. This same secret will help you to enjoy a healthy old age with solid and strong bones.

There is a maxim of survival, which is remembered by hundreds of flight attendants every time they say what to do if an event occurs when the plane crosses the skies, that maxim is: You first.

No matter how young your child is, if you don’t have the oxygen mask first, you won’t be able to help him. Sometimes it seems a bit selfish that principle of first you, but you will already know very well that no one who lacks well-being can help another. That is why it is essential that you stay healthy.

Enjoying good health is not only about the absence of diseases, because according to the concept spread by the World Health Organization (WHO), being healthy is about having biological, psychological and social well-being.


Eating well is the foundation of healthy habits

Eating healthy does not have to be synonymous with eating bad or boring ; On the contrary, your meals can be healthy, nutritious and above all delicious, because to achieve this you only need to make friends with culinary inventiveness.

Nature offers a huge variety of vegetables rich in flavor, color and smell that you can vary according to your preferences and those of your family. There is also an extensive wealth of cooking and food preparation ways that minimize the use of unhealthy oils and fats.

One way to preserve the shape and properties of food is to steam it. You can mix the vegetables that you have steamed with others that you have sautéed with a little vegetable oil. The secret of sautéing is that the food is on the fire for a few minutes so that it remains semi-raw and does not lose its flavor, texture or nutritional properties.

And if it is a question of variety, you should not under any circumstances exclude the fruits from your table. The best way to ingest them is cut into pieces, although a good juice never goes bad and it may well be breakfast or dinner by itself.

And to be honest, the truth is that neither you nor your children nor your husband need to eat calorie-laden foods at night, and if you eat a balanced and healthy meal for everyone, you will also save time.


Enjoying life is healthy

Fostering and sustaining ties of friendship contributes to enjoying life and that is as important as eating healthy, taking care of your teeth, your hair and your skin. Learning to have time for yourself is very important, so it is always good to take a break from home to have a drink or with a friend, talk with your mother or with your siblings.

And here between us there is nothing wrong with giving vanity something to eat. We women love to feel beautiful and many times simply doing a manicure can make you regain that feeling of well-being and care for yourself that you deeply yearn for. It does not matter that the nail polish lasts only a couple of days, because it will not be your nails that are beautified with it, it will be your inner being, that woman who always needs to feel cared for who will appreciate it.

Taking care of yourself also involves spending 10 minutes to put cream on the skin of your body and smell as delicious as you like it, dedicate some time to groom and style your hair differently, adjust some clothes that need it, have a cup of tea or a hot drink while reading a book or watching a non-cartoon movie. Not to mention taking a walk to move your body and regain energy.

Being happy is priceless. There is no gold in the world that can pay for your health or well-being. You know that your family loves you and needs you and to enjoy it 365 days a year and for many years it is essential to cultivate healthy habits for life.

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