4 Educational Board Games

We put at your disposal 4 board games that provide real educational value for children and that will allow you to enjoy unique moments as a family.
4 educational board games

Educational board games are great for children’s cognitive development. Keep in mind that even the simplest board games include some kind of learning, such as counting or color recognition.

In addition to offering little ones a chance to learn while they are engaged and having fun, educational board games allow parents to spend purposeful and uninterrupted time with their children.

In addition to enjoying quality time together as a family, children will learn how to take turns and work as a team when they enjoy playing board games.

It is easy that, as a mother, you want to let your child win every time you play with him because you do not want to damage his fragile self-esteem. But perhaps this is not the best thing you can do for your little one, since it is good that he understands that there are times when he wins and others when he loses.

In this sense, the child must frequently experience both situations to learn to handle the triumphs and defeats that will inevitably come later in life.

4 educational board games

Here is a list of 4 educational board games for children:

1.- Who is who?

The first game we offer you is the mythical Who’s Who ?, ideal for working on memory and deduction. This is a simple guessing game for two players that consists of discovering which character it is.

The game has 2 boards and has 24 different characters with their respective 24 cards. It consists of asking questions that can only have one answer, that is, yes or no, in order to find out the character, of all possible ones.

With each answer, the player discards characters and hides their faces on the board until only one remains. Whoever discovers the most characters wins.

It is good to develop the cognitive process of children to educate them

2.- One

This second option is a card game for 2-10 players aged 7 and up that, among other things, helps to learn mathematics and reinforces the child’s vocabulary.

Each player starts with 7 cards previously dealt face down. The rest of the cards are placed in a draw pile. Next to the pile, a space must be designated for another block of discard cards. Once the top card is placed on the discarded block, you can start the game!

The first player is usually to the left of the dealer and the game is generally clockwise.

Each participant looks at their cards and tries to match the card to the last card in the discard pile. The cards must match the number, color, or symbol.

If the player has no option to throw or chooses not to play any of his cards, even though he may have a choice, he must draw a card from the draw pile. If that card can be used, you must play. Otherwise, the game passes to the next participant. The player who runs out of cards first wins.

 3.- Dixit

It is a card game that allows children 8 years and older to improve creativity and language skills.

To start with, one player is the narrator and looks at the images of the 6 cards in his hand. You must choose one of them, make up a prayer and recite it out loud without showing the card to the other players.

The other participants must select the card they have in their hands that best fits the sentence.

Next, the narrator shuffles his card with all the cards received. All images will be displayed face up and each player will have to bet on the image that was described by the narrator.

Depending on the participants who find the card, the narrator and the players will get a score. The game ends when the deck is empty or when 30 points are reached. In either case, the player with the most points wins the game.

Dominoes is an excellent game for the whole family.

4.- Dominoes

Among the most popular educational board games for children is, without any doubt, this latest game that we present to you.

Dominoes is an ideal game to play as a family, since up to 4 players can participate and it favors concentration and memory in children.

A standard domino game contains 28 rectangular tiles marked with 0 to 6 dots on each end of the face side. The back is usually white. Playing the game requires a flat surface with a decent amount of space.

The tiles must be distributed among the participants until each of them has a total of 7. To participate, the players must add a tile to either end of the first domino.

A tile can only be added to the board if it matches a number on an open end of the board. The participant who first runs out of chips is the winner.

With these ideas it will be very easy for your child to have fun while developing his cognitive abilities.  You will only need a little patience to teach your little one the rules of the game!

Games for children from 5 to 7 years

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