9 Basic Breast Care

When it comes to thinking about the best way to take care of our body, many women do not pay attention to our breasts. However, it is a sensitive area that also demands our attention.
9 basic breast care

The breasts are a very sensitive part of a woman’s body. Experts recommend taking the necessary precautions to maintain physical and aesthetic health in this area. Therefore, we review nine basic breast care so that you always take them into consideration.

During adolescence, before and after pregnancy, during the lactation period and also during adulthood, breast care is something that every woman should have as a priority.  It is an important aspect of the integral care of the woman’s body.

There are many daily practices that we can do to maintain the health of our breasts. In addition, they are very important to know how to prevent diseases in the future and control their appearance.

Benefits of complying with basic breast care

The fact that, unlike the face or hands, the breasts spend much of the time covered, does not mean that they do not deserve special attention. Performing a series of daily habits from an early age (even from adolescence) can help to significantly reduce the formation of stretch marks and cracks, sagging and other more important disorders, such as mastitis.

Obviously, exercise also helps in this mission, since the toning of the pectoral muscles helps to maintain firmness in this area and to combat the effects of gravity over the years. With regard to health, it goes without saying that early detection of any breast condition can be essential for its treatment and cure.

Sport favors breast care.

What situations can affect the health of the breasts?

The breasts can be affected by hormonal disorders, physical injuries or blows, by stress, by changes in weight or other physiological inconveniences, and by constant or very intense sun exposure.

In addition, pregnancy and lactation are crucial stages in which the breasts take on a special role. In the latter, cracks and pains are a very common condition.

9 basic breast care

Next, we are going to tell you about some basic breast care that you should take into account throughout your life. It is essential that you take care of your breasts and that in case of any anomaly you go to your doctor.

  1. Use sunscreen every time you are out in the sun. It is a very sensitive area that can be damaged by prolonged exposure to sunlight.
  2. During pregnancy, specialists recommend avoiding the use of soap, as it suppresses natural hydration. Better, use creams. With two applications a day, you will ensure that your breasts stay properly hydrated.
  3. In breastfeeding, find the best position to breastfeed your baby. This will make his taking more efficient for him and less painful for you.
  4. Prevent your baby from acquiring a preference for one of your breasts. The preference for feeding from only one side (something common in many babies) causes one of your breasts to become irritated, can be hurt and even be less firm than the other, which never empties.
  5. Eat a balanced diet. Food affects all the organs that enable the proper functioning of our body. The breasts, obviously, are no exception. Try to incorporate fruits and vegetables and avoid junk food. What does food have to do with breast health? Very simple, because you need to replace collagen, a protein that is responsible for the support of the entire body, the regeneration of tissues and elasticity to the skin. In addition, the extra kilos increase fat tissue, detrimental to our health.
  6. Wear a good bra. It must be comfortable, soft (better if it is made of cotton) and it is essential that it allows good blood circulation.
The bra must be adapted to the needs of each woman.

Three more recommendations …

These three recommendations are also very important:

  1. Do exercise. Physical activity plays a very important role in the maintenance of muscle tissue, as well as in the well-being of every person.
  2. Use verbena flowers.  It has antioxidant and invigorating effects that protect our cells, reactivate blood circulation and revitalize our skin. Thus, along with the purifying properties of white wine vinegar and its renewing effect on the skin, we can largely eliminate the sagging of our breasts if we combine it with daily massages.
  3. Examine yourself.  Beyond the basic care of the breasts that we already mentioned, the monthly control carried out in the proper way can help you prevent a possible breast cancer.

Of course, do not hesitate to teach your daughter from a young age the importance of taking care of every part of her body and, of course, her intimate and sensitive areas. The breasts are very important areas in a woman’s body and must be cared for as such.

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