Advantages Of Wooden Toys

Advantages of wooden toys

One of the things that most worries parents every time they go to buy a toy is to choose one that is beautiful, fun and also has good quality, but sometimes they forget that a toy can be much more than an object of entertainment. Many games are educational and help develop children’s imaginations; This is the case of wooden toys that, in addition to being beautiful, have advantages over toys made with other materials.

The simplicity of the design of wooden toys is very important for the integral development of your child. Contrary to what most people believe, the simpler the toys, the more they stimulate the child’s natural creativity, and both parents and educators attest to that. Therefore, the educational value of these types of designs prevails over those of those large and modern toys.

Today, toys are made of plastic and many of them are electronic or mechanical, so they are sometimes played automatically. However, when a child is entertained with a wooden toy, he is developing his imagination without realizing it, since the simplicity and structure of these toys allow the child’s senses, especially touch and smell, to be stimulated in a way. natural.

The sense of touch is essential to understand the advantages of wooden toys, since wood, being a living element, has more possibilities of stimulation to the touch than any type of toy made of plastic. In addition, it gives children’s rooms a touch of nature that other toys do not. It also favors the sense of smell because  wood has a characteristic smell that stimulates them much more, and they are much warmer than plastic toys.


On the other hand, it is important to highlight the ecological benefits offered by these toys made with a product as natural and noble as wood. Some brands or industries are exclusively dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of this type of toys, using only old trees that no longer produce latex and process wood is made naturally.

As we can see, a wooden toy is good both for nature and for the child itself, since unfortunately many plastic toys are manufactured without any type of control and it is not known for sure to what extent they are harmful in the long term. .

Wooden toys are eternal

Sometimes parents discard these types of toys because they tend to be more expensive than others, however, it should be taken into account that another advantage of wood is that it lasts much longer than plastic and that being a traditional toy it never happens. fashionable, therefore, even if you pay more, you will be buying something of quality that will last longer.

The recommendations when choosing a toy is to look for something that can adopt several roles, so you will get the child to play for longer and develop their creativity. The simple design of the wooden toys and the soft touch that they have make the child entertain for longer, that is why it is the most appropriate option when looking for a versatile game that helps foster the imagination and symbolic capacity of our child. .

It is also important to take into account the age range of each toy, since if you buy one that does not suit their abilities or interests, you would be risking the child not enjoying it when they use it and discarding it very soon.

Safe and versatile

Traditional wooden toy based on Waldorf education.  Wodden toy

Wooden toys are safer, as they present less risk of injuring the child. They are also made of organic wood, a very resistant material in which bacteria cannot easily reproduce.

Many wooden toys have an educational purpose that will help the child to develop their motor skills, their dexterity and will greatly increase their imagination.

For these and other advantages of wooden toys is that since they are back both on the shelves of toy stores, as in homes, workshops and fairs. Its benefits are very interesting for children, since toys are the main way of interaction with the world of children, and wooden toys facilitate their understanding in a pleasant and natural way for them.

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