An Unusual Name Could Affect Your Child

Thinking of giving your child an unusual name? Is it a good idea or a bad idea to do it?
An unusual name could affect your child

Many parents have to deal with the temptation to give their children an unusual name. It can be believed that at one time it was simpler, because it was customary to use the name of his saint according to the day of his birth. Or simply that of the closest relatives was repeated.

However, although the name of the parents is always the first option, in recent years it seems very important that the name is original, which is acceptable and harmless. However, you may begin to shape your personality from a very young age.

The decision that parents must make regarding the name of their children is momentous. Therefore, you have to think carefully and carefully. Without wanting to, we can put nicknames on a silver platter, hint at undesirable symbolizations and even ridicule the child.

It can be a mistake to put an unusual name for different factors. Which is why many psychologists recommend that these are not very complicated to pronounce, write or that they do not sound good with their last names. A strange name or one that has a particular meaning in your language, is an activator of teasing and the main trigger of violent behavior.

How does an unusual name affect your child’s life?

unusual name

That your child has an unusual name should not be a problem in itself, for an adverse effect to really occur it must be in the wrong context. In other words, an open-minded society should not interfere adversely in the development of its personality, as it would be tolerant of difference.

Leaving traditionalisms behind and being original are the main reasons why parents prefer to opt for a different name. However, this is something that can end up affecting the child from his school stage and can also accompany him into adulthood.

The name can be related to race or social status, which can be a problem in particular circumstances such as getting a job. In that sense, it is not about the name causing an unfavorable reaction but about a connection with some specific context. For example, make it a name used more often by people of some race or ethnicity.

unusual name

Thus, an unusual name can affect a child from an early age and is something that can accompany him throughout his life, modify his personality and even take away opportunities. Among the main factors that can affect the child are everything that we comment on below.

1. It is a name usually used by girls

If we choose a name for our children, inspired by a celebrity, a character in a book or a movie,  we may be wrong because the context of that reference is different.

One of the main mistakes is to choose a name for a boy that is commonly used by girls, this could involve serious problems. First of all, they can make fun of him at school unfairly… If the child had a classmate with the same name this would exacerbate the problem.

2. Names of foreign origin

Although it is not entirely strange, a foreign name has an implicit linguistic complication that triggers the appearance of errors in writing and pronunciation. A child who learns to read and write in his native language will have trouble with his own linguistically “wrong” name for him.   Something that parents will have to explain very well so that the little one learns to defend himself.

Specialists believe that this influences the child’s self-esteem in a positive way, but on the other hand it exposes him to the burden of giving endless explanations about the characteristic aspects of his name.

The same happens with compound or very long names, where since childhood he has to deal with the morphological features of his designation or has to settle for the obligatory diminutive in these cases.

3. The fashionable name

According to each era, the names were related to what was fashion at that time. Names of royalty, famous artists or athletes were chosen. But they remain in the past and almost no one recognizes them; this is something that also makes them strange. Having to explain that we were called that in honor of this or that celebrity that no one knows, could be uncomfortable and an obligation that your child is not always going to do well.

4. A controversial reference

When we decide to name a personality whose social performance could be controversial, we put our children at risk of being misidentified. Perhaps there is some political or religious inclination that society and it could be a reason for discrediting or derision. This can emotionally drag  our son down without his having responsibility and / or approval.

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