Being A Mother In Times Of Social Networks

Being a mother in times of social networks

The times of social networks have led us to study new situations. There have been illnesses, conditions and behavior modifications related to this fact. For this reason, the phenomenon also reaches motherhood. Being a mother in times of social networks, according to some studies, is a challenge that threatens confidence.

Mothers do not escape the consequences generated by the irresponsible use of digital tools such as Pinterest or Instagram. It is also known that the social network Facebook can trigger episodes of depression, according to science.

We wonder how social media can affect us? Well, they don’t affect us by themselves. For the networks to be able to harm our emotions, we must be falling into extremes. Here’s how it happens.

In search of social media perfection

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Under normal conditions a mother can try to be a perfectionist in her role. However, when you start to make comparisons with other mothers, the search for perfection is stricter.

As we know, social networks are ideal tools for communication and expression. They give us the opportunity to be in contact with family, friends and even people we admire and do not belong to our circle. However, some people are emotionally affected by the response they receive or the lack of it.

Most commonly, mothers post pictures of their children all the time. But they are not always spontaneous images, sometimes the idea is to show off certain aspects. Therefore, the mother who has the possibility of taking better photographs, or has more interesting anecdotes, can make those who do not feel bad.

However, this can only happen if the person receiving the message actually cares about these things. If we begin to make comparisons of our work with that of other mothers, we may feel that we are not doing enough. What we may not stop to think about is that not everything that is published on the networks is true.

We may be struggling to present the perfect image, but we are probably just pretending. For example, we do a lot for our children and they are happy, but our friend publishes a photo with them in the park or having ice cream.

This can make some mothers feel like they have failed because they have n’t been out for a long time. However, we are not aware that perhaps this mother is never with her children and only takes them to the park once every three months.

Perfect moms judge imperfect moms in times of social media

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To begin with, perfect or imperfect mothers do not exist. Each mother brings up her child according to her criteria and possibilities. However, at some point in this digital explosion, some means are used to negatively compare the lives of each other.

In adolescents, opinions about them often seriously affect their emotions. For example, if your photo was criticized or did not receive the acceptance you expected, this can mean a deep defeat. It is also believed that a low number of approvals (likes) can cause symptoms of depression in young people.

According to studies , this pattern seems to be affecting not only adolescents. Other populations may be suffering the consequences of popularity on social media.

In the case of mothers, advice comes and goes. Mothers who believe they have the universal truth, give recommendations to those they consider deviant. Although it may not seem like a reason for distress, it may be happening more frequently than we think.

Previously, it was difficult for more people to judge us than close family or friends. Today,  mothers around the world can give input on the way we are parenting. In addition, when we cannot stop publishing everything we do, we are more exposed.

If she can, I can too

Catalogs like the one on Pinterest can upset even the most optimistic mother. In it, countless recipes, decorating ideas and home learning proposals are presented. Real (and deluded) mothers think we can make it possible one day, but we never measure up. Sadly, we compete against models, who place very high expectations on us.

The work of influencers in social networks seems to be that of “deflators of dreams”. We believe that real mothers are the ones who post perfect houses and children on Instagram. We dream of being able to get at least half … “If they can with three children, I can also have only two.”

Experts have found signs of depression in young mothers, which they relate to the use of social networks. The downside to these digital tools can be very damaging. The call is to consciously use these spaces, understanding that no one is perfect. Also, remember that real life can be a lot more fun.

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