Being Operated On The Appendix And Tonsils Makes Us More Fertile

Being operated on the appendix and tonsils makes us more fertile

Recent studies have revealed that female fertility could increase if we had surgery on the appendix and tonsils when we were young. This is something that perhaps we believe has nothing to do with it, but that researchers from the Dundee University of Scotland were able to detect by reviewing at least 500,000 cases in the United Kingdom.

Research revealed that there is a fairly verifiable relationship between appendectomy procedures, with how quickly women can get pregnant. According to the data, those women who underwent surgery as young people to remove the appendix are more fertile than the rest, as they take less time to get pregnant.

From now on, the researchers determined to continue the investigation in the same direction, for which they joined with specialists from University College to delve into the files of thousands of women with these characteristics. The identified rates exceeded 50% in separate cases of appendectomy and tonsillectomy ; but combined, the percentage approached 60%.

What are the appendix and tonsils for?

The function of these lymphoid organs is quite controversial, in particular because in any serious condition the first thing that is recommended is their removal. That is why many people find that they do not have either of these two organs, since surgical removal procedures generally occur in childhood or youth.

Both the appendix and the tonsils are part of the human lymphatic system, meaning that their function is related to the body’s immune mechanisms. In this sense, the main impairment of their functions is found in a serious accumulation of infectious elements that makes them collapse in the process.

In the case of the appendix, it is only when the infection has collapsed the organ that we wonder what it is for, since the infectious process known as peritonitis is the cause of many deaths in children and adults. Recent research has revealed that the appendix functions as a container for the bacteria present in the intestinal flora, which is why it is always exposed to possible infections.

For their part, the tonsils begin to show more signs that they are not well before the specialists decide to intervene. A recurrent infectious process of the tonsils known as tonsillitis, is the main reason why they recommend removing them, but they can also do it if they cause you problems breathing due to their large size.

The main function of both organs is to filter those germs and bacteria that enter the body orally. At the beginning, we find the tonsils in the throat, which will be responsible for retaining all the polluting elements that they can, even those that enter through the nose. Then at the end of the intestine, the appendix traps those infectious elements that survive in the digestive tract.

How does female fertility affect the appendix and tonsils?

According to the results of the studies, 60% of women who were operated on the appendix and tonsils had a tendency to increase their fertility in relation to those who did not. To explain this situation, the specialists revealed that the removal of these organs is related to a certain hormonal stimulation ; but they have decided that it has more to do with behavioral elements.

In this sense, experts from University College London consider that biological involvement is recognized but cannot be directly related. In other words, despite the results, this situation has been happening as the records reveal it; This is an obvious change in these women, but it occurred in their youth and cannot be considered an option to increase the chances of pregnancy.

On the other hand, at one time it was considered that the extraction of the appendix could affect female fertility, but in the opposite relationship, that is why there was fear of being subjected to this intervention. However, this study reveals that there is no threat to fertility due to removal of the appendix; On the contrary, young women can perform this procedure without any suspicions about it.

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