Children’s Bedtime Stories

Bedtime stories are the best way we have to spend quality time with our children and also put technology aside. Feel free to read them a story every night!
Children's bedtime stories

The habit of reading to our children at night should never be lost, even now that the mobile seems to have won the battle against physical books. But the good thing about technology is that we can find many children’s bedtime stories without taking up space at home. In this article we will mention some of them.

The most beautiful children’s bedtime stories

Maybe you are not creative enough to make up a new story every night or you have run out of options and your children are asking you for something different. Pay attention to these cute bedtime stories for children:

1. The cat who dreamed of reaching the moon

Many years ago, in a village in the middle of the mountain, each family had a cat. During the night, the cats would go out onto the rooftops and talk to each other about their day at home. One of them, Figaro, spent hours looking at the moon. He was fascinated with its silver reflection that illuminated the entire town.

The other cats laughed at him because, instead of hunting mice, he looked at the moon night after night. Figaro was happy and thought that one day he would come to her, hug her and tell her how beautiful she is. The weeks passed and the other cats stopped paying attention to Figaro, until one night no one saw him on the roof as usual.

A kitten named Calypso looked up and there she saw him, hugging the moon. Therefore, if you look carefully when there is a full moon, you can find Figaro happy with his friend. Not everyone can see it, only those with the soul of dreamers.

2. Story to fall asleep content

Once upon a time there was a boy (or girl) whose name was…. (say the name of our son or daughter) who did not want to go to bed when the parents asked. So, they decided to give him a doll to accompany him and take care of himself while he sleeps.

Mom tells her daughter bedtime stories.

One night with a full moon and many stars in the sky, the doll woke up and said to the child: “Hello, I am Pimpon, I am made of cloth and cardboard. Shall we wash our faces with soap and water? ” The boy said, “I didn’t know you could talk!”  To which Pimpon replied: “Only on full moon nights and if all other nights you go to bed early and pay attention to your parents . From that day on, the boy hugged his doll and fell asleep happily waiting for the next full moon.

3. The monster hidden in the closet

This is the story of Andrés, a boy who had to move to another city with his family and leave his friends from school. The good thing is that his new room was much bigger than the previous one and he had a giant closet just for him. The first night in her new home she realized that something was living in her closet.

Of course, she could not sleep from fright and curiosity, until she took courage and opened the door to see what was inside. He found a furry ball watching him intently! The monster that lived in the closet became his best friend and from that moment on he felt safe and happy in his company.

4. The sun and the moon marry

One day, daddy mouse came running to the burrow to tell his family some beautiful news: “the sun and the moon are getting married!” Mommy Mouse said that this couple would not last, since one is awake during the day and the other at night. The mouse grandmother affirmed that they would have beautiful children like comets and pretty daughters like stars… And that the godparents would be the planets!

Children's bedtime stories.

The eldest son said that if they married and had children, they would all be soles and there would never be night again. But while everyone deliberated on the future marriage, the youngest son thought that he would like, growing up, to have a love as beautiful as that of the sun and the moon. Because they were both beautiful!

What do you think of these short children’s bedtime stories? Your kids are sure to love them. Feel free to tell them tonight when they go to sleep.

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