Children’s Books To Value Friendship

Friendship is one of the most important values ​​during childhood, so it is essential that the little ones learn to understand everything that this entails.
Children's books to value friendship

Values ​​are an essential part of a person’s life. Acquiring them from a young age will make children see feelings and things from another perspective. More specifically, friendship is one of the values ​​that the little ones grasp first. And it is that children have friends, however, sometimes, they do not understand the value of the concept of friendship.

As this concept can be difficult to explain, one of the best tools to do so is through children’s books. Characters and stories in books are simple examples that children immediately understand. For this reason, below we offer you a selection of books on friendship that are ideal for dealing with this value both at home and in classrooms.

Children’s books to value friendship

Harry Potter Collection

Despite not being the central theme of this fantastic and successful collection of books, the value of friendship is present from the first pages of the first of his books. The bonds of friendship between Harry, Ron and Hermione will make children realize the importance of having people around them who are always willing to help them and even sacrifice for them.

A collection recommended for children from nine years old, where friendships begin to be more unbreakable than ever, that will fascinate young people by including quick, simple and engaging texts.

Mother with her son reading books to value friendship.

After the rain

A wonderful illustrated album that was awarded the VII International Compostela Prize for Illustrated Albums in 2015. The protagonists of the story, how could it be otherwise, are animals. What is most striking about this album are its illustrations, in the contrast of the darkness of its pages with the striking colors.

As for its text, there are many values ​​and messages that can be extracted from it. However, as it is a selection of children’s books on friendship, we will focus on the importance that the book gives to it.

More specifically, history shows the need to trust the people around you and, above all, those who, previously, you have seen that they have a predisposition to help you.

Another issue closely related to the value of friendship is prejudice. On many occasions, we get carried away by first impressions, and these are not the ones that count, since we must first get to know people.

The Kalandraka publishing house, one of the specialists in the world of children’s and young people’s literature, deals with other really important topics in this book, such as self-esteem, survival or loneliness.

More children’s books to value friendship

The great book of friends

A book recommended for children from five years old with a large size that will delight the little ones in the house. In these pages we will find all the types of friendship that can be had : individual, group, with family, even with pets.

Children reading children's books to value friendship in the park.

A book full of illustrations and a beautiful text that will help the little ones to know that all friendships are valid.

All for one and one for all

As we have already said on many occasions, humanizing animals will always be a fantastic tool to teach the little ones. On this occasion, a series of extremely important values ​​are present in the story.

Throughout it we will learn how the protagonist, the Melitón mouse, has a slight difficulty walking, and that makes him rethink the idea of ​​fulfilling his dream: to go around the world.

However, he decides to set out and on this great journey he will meet many other characters also with other series of difficulties. In this way, the book shows us that, despite the diversities, the help of others to move forward is extremely important.

Respect, acceptance, as well as the value of friendship as support to achieve their dreams are some of the most outstanding values ​​of this fantastic book by the publishing house Vicens Vives.

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