Children’s Lack Of Respect For Teachers

Respect for others should be taught at home, parents should instill in their children the importance of respecting teachers.
Children's lack of respect for teachers

Children’s disrespect for teachers occurs frequently. This was previously something unimaginable, since although they did not support the teacher, they did have respect for him. Keep in mind that this not only happens at school and that it is very important that parents teach children to respect others.

It is important that children internalize from childhood that they should have respect for all people, regardless of the authority that each one emanates from the position they occupy within the community. Thus, when they reach adolescence, they will know how to treat those around them politely, including teachers.

You must teach your children to respect you. Do not allow them to answer you in bad ways and make them learn to ask for forgiveness when their behavior has not been appropriate. It is essential that they know that their negative actions have consequences.

Main problems faced by teachers

The main problems that teachers face today are the lack of discipline, the excess of students and the shortage of means and material resources. In addition, one of the circumstances that affects them the most is the lack of respect in the classrooms.  Generally, by spending little time with their parents, they do not instill in them the values ​​that should be reflected in their behavior at school and with the teacher.

For this situation to improve, it is essential to recognize the importance of the work of teachers and provide schools with material and technical resources. Being a teacher requires assuming responsibilities and exercising them properly.


3 factors that imply the lack of respect of children to teachers

Overprotection of children from teachers

In these times we can see excessive protection towards the figure of the student. You are given a lot of permissiveness to do what you want.  This situation, together with the few tools that teachers have, makes it very difficult for them to be respected.

Excessive permitting

Currently, education and teaching methods are moving away from authoritarianism and allow there to be a horizontality between teachers and students. The spaces ensure that the figure of the teacher is accessible to the student. The problem arises when the role of the teacher is distorted and an attempt is made to put the child on the same level.

The example of parents

In many cases, since parents do not agree with the academic decisions made by the teacher, they take away credibility. There can even be cases of aggression. If parents are not able to value the figure of the teacher, then children will not either.

How to educate children to respect teachers

  • When your child speaks ill of a teacher, avoid falling into disqualifications. Objectively, you can recognize that there are teachers more competent than others.
  • In case your son does not fit in with one of his teachers, you can turn this situation in your favor. Explain that it is necessary to learn to live with incompatible people or who think differently.
  • Teach your child not to answer his teacher in public, since he is the authority in the classroom, even if he perceives that his attitude is unfair. Better to clear it up in private.
  • It is also very important that you examine your comments about your bosses and co-workers, as you may be disrespecting them and being inconsistent with what you say and do to your children.
    child studying

    What role should parents play with disrespectful children?

    One way to recover the values ​​is to work it from home. You must take charge of guiding your children in respect as a fundamental value of coexistence. These are the keys to keep in mind.

    Be an example

    You are the greatest reference for your children, they learn from what you do. If you are respectful and tolerant of others, they will learn to be too.

     Learn to express yourself

    It is very important that conversations with different points of view can take place within the home. In this way the child will learn to express himself clearly and, at the same time, respect the opinions of others when they are different from his own.

    Be assertive

    Teach them the difference between respecting others and being stepped on by others. Therefore, it is of great importance that you teach them to practice assertiveness.

    Be polite

    You must promote kindness, good education and good treatment in your children. They are behaviors that will allow you to show respect towards others and will facilitate coexistence.

    Children should know that not everyone in their environment will like them, but that they must learn to respect and be considerate of the other, even if they do not always get along. Respect is the most important thing you can teach your children.  

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