Common Medical Tests And Analyzes During Pregnancy

It may sound ironic, but the most common medical pregnancy tests and tests are those that use a urine or blood sample to check for levels of human chorionic gonadotropin, the hormone that confirms that you are pregnant. Your urine sample also serves to indicate if there are proteins, sugar or signs of an infection in it, the blood sample tells the doctor how your health is, in addition to the echoes that allow you to see the baby’s evolution.

Once the pregnancy is confirmed, a blood test will help to know the baby’s blood group and RH factor and prevent the appearance of certain antibodies from putting the child’s development at risk, since this can be prevented with injections.

That same blood sample is also used to make a red blood cell count and rule out anemia, as well as to rule out diseases such as syphilis, HIV and Hepatitis B; You should also get vaccinated against rubella and chickenpox.

In addition to the blood and urine sample, a pregnant woman should have monthly echoes, all these tests will be analyzed at the same time by her gynecologist, who will consider your age and general health throughout the pregnancy, since from 35 years of age increases the risk of conceiving babies with chromosomal mutations or asymptomatic diseases.

Medical tests help you take care of yourself

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Performing both blood tests and ultrasounds during pregnancy will give you peace of mind to prepare for the arrival of a baby. And, precisely, pregnancy is that, the preparation that a family has for the arrival of a special being: a child.

The union between the baby and the mother is so evident that the first symptoms of pregnancy will surely invite you to take a blood test, which should ideally be accompanied by a pelvic echo. These first two exams will not only help you confirm that you are pregnant but also help prevent future health problems for you or the baby.

Going to the doctor regularly is one of the tasks involved in being pregnant, your trusted gynecologist is the first person you should turn to and it will surely be this professional who will do a complete physical examination that should evaluate your weight, your blood pressure and a pelvic and breast exam.

The amount of medical examinations or tests that you should perform will surely vary according to your age, your health, your medical history and other factors that characterize you, such as family inheritance and the habits you maintain. Remember that your body is the temple where a new being will be molded for nine months that will require many nutrients and care to develop optimally.

Routine exams during pregnancy

When you are pregnant, your OB / GYN will be your best ally. After confirming your pregnancy and doing a routine pelvic cytology, your doctor will measure your blood pressure and weight at each visit you make, which should be periodic and will stop for a time after the moment of delivery.

These visits have the main objective of preventing the appearance of preecamplacia and gestational diabetes, which are two of the complications that pregnancy can cause in a woman that can be avoided with the appropriate treatment, which should be responsible for regulating pressure levels arterial and insulin, respectively.

Having your health out of control can cause the birth of a premature baby. In addition to routine blood tests, there are medical tests that can rule out whether the developing baby has a genetic defect or a chromosomal mutation such as Down syndrome.

Always keep in mind that medical tests and analyzes are not absolutely reliable and that some of them have some risks as well as benefits; so there are some tests that you can do without if it is not what you are looking for.

However, it is important that you know that evaluation tests identify medical conditions that often go unnoticed because they are asymptomatic, so a diagnostic test will not be too much and if something goes out of order they will surely ask you to take another blood test .

The first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy

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