Coping With Quarantine With Children With Intellectual Disabilities

This quarantine is complicated for everyone, but for children with intellectual disabilities it is even more so. For this reason, here are some ideas to help you better cope with this situation.
How to cope with quarantine with children with intellectual disabilities

The global crisis due to the coronavirus has made it necessary to take measures such as confinement at home. This is difficult, especially for those families who have to undergo quarantine with children with intellectual disabilities.

All the measures taken in Spain, including the cancellation of classes, have also affected early care centers, day centers and occupational centers, which have had to close. For this reason,  many children, adults and the elderly with disabilities have been left without receiving their therapies, without social relationships and without having occupational activities.

In this article you will find some ideas to help you cope with quarantine with children with intellectual disabilities.

Consequences for children with intellectual disabilities during quarantine

Parents living in quarantine with children who have intellectual disabilities are going through a difficult situation. Some scenarios have been included during the state of alarm that allow people with autism spectrum disorders or other behavioral disorders to go outside for a few moments. Always accompanied.

These measures are taken because these children can worsen their behavior, injure themselves, have disruptive behaviors or aggression problems when they are not going out for so long. Some of the consequences in children with intellectual disabilities during quarantine can be :

Girl with intellectual disability drawing during quarantine.
  • Irritability.
  • High intensity tantrums.
  • No acceptance of limits.
  • Excess motor restlessness.
  • Aggression problems.

Ideas for coping with forty with children with intellectual disabilities

Organize well and maintain routines

It is important that we maintain a schedule for eating, grooming, sleeping, and other activities. This is not only good for children, but also for adults.

Do not demand too much in these circumstances

Although we want to have everything under control, in this situation it is going to be complicated. For this reason, it is best to adjust expectations and set daily goals. Thus, we can enjoy the small achievements that we all achieve.

Transmit security and trust, creating a pleasant environment

We can give them small responsibilities to help us set the table, put the washing machine, etc. We can also play games that they handle very well because that way they will feel valued and recognized.

Perform physical exercise to face quarantine with children with intellectual disabilities

This can be done through play. The important thing is that there is movement and they can release energy. It can be through tickling games, ball games, yoga for children, riding an obstacle course with what we have at home, etc. The question is to move and, thus, we will avoid situations of tantrums or discomfort that usually appear in periods of inactivity.

Encourage creativity

We will put into practice games that can be new and attractive for children. For example, we can make crafts, since there are thousands of ideas that we can choose from and always adapted to the tastes of each one.

We will all have our moment of disconnection

It is important that all of us, both parents and children, have a few moments to disconnect. Whether reading a book, watching a movie together, playing games, talking with friends, resting … Everyone can choose what they want.

Child listening to music to face quarantine.

We will reserve some time a day to perform tasks that require our concentration and effort

We will try to carry out activities with the children similar to those they did on a therapeutic level. Thus, they will continue with their work routine and we will advance in the objectives we want to achieve. This will facilitate the return to the routine and that it is not too harsh.

Listening to music will relax us all and give us good feelings to face the quarantine with children with intellectual disabilities

If the child is nervous, we can use music to relax and close our eyes, and imagine beautiful things. Another thing we can do is dance and sing the music that you like. The important thing is to have fun and keep us entertained!

We will take care of our food and we will be as much time as possible near natural light

Now that we do not go out and the sun does not give us, vitamin D is necessary, so it is good that, as far as possible, we spend as much time as possible near a window with natural light, patio or garden, if we have Nor should we forget to take care of food. This is a key step to stay healthy and hydrated at all times.

These are some keys to keep in mind when dealing with quarantine with children with intellectual disabilities. Although it is also extensible for other children and adults. They are ideas that can help us a lot to stay physically and emotionally healthy  in these difficult times.

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