Cousins: Your Son’s Best Childhood Friends

The cousins ​​are our second siblings. Those unconditional friends that we do not have to choose but that, without a doubt, we would choose a thousand times.
Cousins: Your child's best childhood friends

Cousins ​​are the most beautiful gift that both a child’s mother and aunt can offer. Well, without knowing or imagining it, adults give the child the best friends they can count on during their childhood. With them, they will share the most pleasant and unforgettable moments.

Likewise, cousins ​​are those beings that tend to brand childhood and even the entire life of every person. In fact, they are the true ones in charge of guiding and accompanying the steps of each child. In this way, through games and adventures, a lot of knowledge and learning are transmitted.

Nothing like cousin affairs

There is nothing comparable to a beautiful and memorable childhood shared with cousins. Because together with these pairs the little ones tend to live the most fascinating and unforgettable adventures. Thus life begins to be seen as a constant mischief.

What a joy to have, since your arrival in the world, with a faithful and loving companion. Well, cousins ​​are the friends that we do not have to choose and that, nevertheless, we would choose without hesitation a thousand times. They are the treasure that fills our early years with abundance of laughter, fun, and safety. Because cousins ​​become our safe place.

Well, these beings that fate puts in our way do nothing more than share games and toys. Fun companions, buddies in every discovery or experiment in that world that arouses so much curiosity. Eternal accomplices. That is the cousins, brothers of our capacity for wonder and freshness.

It is in childhood where the little ones begin to forge one of the most tender relationships, a sacred bond marked by an unequaled friendship. Thus, children grow hand in hand with their cousins, learning at the same time.


More than cousins, friends!

Cousins ​​are not just that . This relationship transcends mere parental bonding. Friends of blood, brothers of life. Well, with these children so close emotionally and close at the family level, a close bond is sealed that in no other way can be experienced.

It is not for less considering the level of trust that exists between them. Complicity reaches such high levels between these eternal and immaculate companions that there are no secrets between them. Because cousins ​​know everything and understand each other with just a glance.

They are the best ear of that being who places in them its most hidden and unspeakable mysteries. Even over the years they become the only shoulder on which to cry each fall. The best advice in the face of indecision, the most beautiful smile kills problems in the world.

No matter how bad the circumstance to go through, the cousins ​​will always be there, ready to overcome whatever situation is. Undoubtedly, one of the characteristics that defines them is precisely their unconditionality and deep eternal love.

Those little teachers of life

Cousins ​​are those little beings who are simply masters of miniature life. They become a role model, in our example. When we are older we want to be like them, we are passionate about what they do and deeply admire everything they undertake.


Likewise, it is they who, without even realizing it, mark a path for us. How do they do that? Teaching us about life, educating us, transmitting acquired values ​​within his family. However, these teachings are reciprocal.

Well, just as some teach, others tend to learn. For this reason, they tend to look with those same eyes filled with admiration. Pondering the knowledge, skills and virtues that their cousins ​​present, they are witnesses of human development.

In this way the childhood of those who have the immense fortune of growing up with a cousin passes. An undoubtedly happy childhood, witnessing the growth of the being they love the most and swear to protect throughout their lives.

Undoubtedly, whoever is lucky enough to own and enjoy this pleasant company is rich and is destined to have the most noble and true friendship on earth. Who said it took more than that to be millionaires of light in earliest childhood?

Cousins ​​of the same age: a special relationship

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