Cure And Prevention For Sore And Cracked Nipples

The appearance of sore and cracked nipples during breastfeeding can have many causes. The most common is an error in posture that causes inefficient suction.
Cure and prevention for sore and cracked nipples

Sore and cracked nipples are an extremely common problem in early breastfeeding. Its causes can be several, but there are also ways to alleviate, cure and even prevent them from happening. We tell you everything you need to know on the subject.

The beginning of breastfeeding is, without a doubt, one of the moments that mark the unique and unrepeatable union between a mother and her child. However, sometimes not everything is rosy and small obstacles may appear that take away some of the magic (although not all) at this stage of your life.

Causes of sore and cracked nipples

One of the most common are sore and cracked nipples during or after feeding the baby. They can be caused for different reasons, such as:

  • Infection in the nipples or ducts.  If you feel very uncomfortable pricking or pain and the baby must make a significant effort to feed, you should consult your doctor. Generally, a sample is taken to find the source of the infection and find a suitable solution.
  • Transient physiological pain. During the first days, the amount of milk in this area is not too much, so the baby must press more to be able to drink. As the days go by, the pain should go away.
  • Poor position for breastfeeding. If the baby is not in a position that allows him to suck correctly, that is, nursing not only from the nipple but also from part of the areola, poorly applied pressure can cause the appearance of cracks that do hurt a lot.
  • Errors when removing the baby from the breast. You have to lightly press the corner of your lips with a finger, let some air in and, there, gently remove it.
  • Dysfunctional suction. If the baby suffers from ankyloglossia or short sublingual frenulum, the suction mechanism cannot be the most efficient and cause pain to the mother.

How to relieve and heal sore and cracked nipples?

The main thing in these cases is to check that the way to breastfeed the baby is the most appropriate both so that it can feed correctly and so that the process is not painful for the poor mother. There are highly trained professionals in these matters who could advise you. Do not hesitate to consult them.

Pain from cracks in the nipples.

In order to “regulate” the amount of milk in the breasts, it is recommended to breastfeed frequently. In this way, the amount of milk will be normalized at the beginning, when it is still scarce, and will not accumulate later. You can also use a breast pump.

In the case of postural errors, the ideal is to find the ideal way for the baby to suckle efficiently. The Alba Breastfeeding Association has very useful advice to avoid these problems, among which the asymmetric grip for a painless feeding and the lying position stand out.

Finally, if the inability to carry out the feeding of the baby is due to ankyloglasia, again it is recommended to look for a position that compensates the problems that the baby may have to suck.

Can you prevent the appearance of sore and cracked nipples?

When dealing with mechanical problems that arise during the beginning of lactation, it is useless to try to prevent the formation of cracks in pregnancy with creams or other types of products. On the other hand, they are necessary to treat the cracks already produced. However, it is essential, although it sounds repetitive, to take all the precautions to achieve breastfeeding is the most gentle and efficient for the mother and the baby. Considered from the outset, this is the best preventive measure.

Woman with sore nipples during breastfeeding.

Another technique whose effectiveness is confirmed is to spray some olive oil on the nipple and areola and let it breathe. In the past it used to be recommended to sprinkle some of your own milk on the affected area, but if there were a bacterial alteration, this would only make things worse more quickly.

It is not recommended to wash the breasts with soap and water, since the only thing that is achieved with this is to make the natural protection layer that is in the area disappear.

As a final advice, it is worth noting above all things that the breastfeeding period, essential in the first months of life, should not be interrupted under any circumstances. If you suffer from any of the problems mentioned, patience and dedication, they will be solved in a few days.

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