Dangers Of Palm Oil For Children

Palm oil is rich in saturated fatty acids. However, no clear relationships have been established between the consumption of this nutrient and cardiovascular risk.
Dangers of palm oil for children

Parents have long been concerned about the harmful effects of palm oil. The controversy has arisen above all due to the elaboration with this substance of food products aimed at the child and even pediatric population. Many nutritionists advise against processed foods made with this oil because of its unhealthy fat content.

Parents wonder if its effects are harmful to the body of children. Is it really dangerous for children? Why is it used in foods such as baby food or baby milk? Can we choose foods that contain healthier fats for them?

Palm oil

Palm oil

Palm oil is currently the most widely used in the world above soybean or rapeseed oil. It is produced thanks to the fruits of the African palm. It is used as a raw material for the production of products in the food and cosmetic industry. It is cheap and enhances the flavor. This oil is found in many foods such as industrial pastries, potatoes and snacks, baby milk and baby food.

A few years ago the problem was hydrogenated fats, which have been shown to be harmful to health. At present they have already been substituted in many foods. But its substitute, palm oil, is very rich in saturated fat, so it is not a good nutritional option either. Palm oil provides about 9 kcal for each gram like any fat. The difference comes from the composition of its fatty acids, mostly saturated and not considered healthy. These fats are currently linked to a worsening of some inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis, according to a study published in the journal “The Journal of Investigative Dermatology.”

This controversy arises from a study carried out by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) which  warns of the risk of certain refining processes of this type of vegetable fat. The work refers to the possible presence of toxic compounds derived from the industrial process of treating this oil at a temperature of more than 200 degrees and the presence of certain polluting additives.

Palm oil is widely used for being cheap and versatile. It can be found in many unhealthy foods such as industrial pastries, cocoa creams, French fries and all kinds of snacks, pre-cooked dishes or sauces.

EFSA has established safety levels for these contaminants in food. But its use in pediatric foods such as formula milk or baby food remains controversial. However, current trials fail to establish a clear relationship between palm oil consumption and cardiovascular risk.

Palm oil in baby food

Babies no older than six months can be overexposed to palm oil if they only feed on infant milk in their first few months of life. Several formulations look for the fat profile of breast milk.

Palm oil is the one that most closely resembles this both for its composition and for its texture. In most countries the regulations are already very strict regarding its use in infant milk brands.

As for the baby food, many specialists consider that they should contain healthier fats such as olive or sunflower oils, rich in omega 3. It is also used in products of mass consumption among children such as cocoa creams, cookies or fast food .

Avoid its consumption

Nutritionists recommend avoiding its consumption for children since, being an oil, it is very rich in saturated fat. These products are not a good alternative from a nutritional balance point of view. However, at present the harmful effects of this type of fat on health are beginning to be questioned. Anyway, the main recommendation is prudence and moderation in the intake of this type of product.

The important thing is that the composition of each product is specified on the label, making it easier to identify those that contain palm oil than those that do not. In many countries it is already mandatory to put the composition of food on the label. Consumers can thus choose products with healthier fats. Mothers can also find out if the products they buy contain unhealthy fats.

To keep in mind!

Specialists advise not to abuse products made with palm oil. It is better to consume products made with olive or sunflower oils. These oils are healthier and beneficial for health.

A tip that all parents should note and follow when buying food for their children. Always look at the labels and discover the products that have it. Try to make your children consume less products made with palm oil.

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