Dinners In 15 Minutes For Children

If lack of time is an impediment to finding food for lunch or dinner, these quick recipes can help. From now on you will no longer have a problem thinking about what to cook.
Dinners in 15 minutes for children

Just because you don’t have much time during the day to cook doesn’t mean that you can’t prepare the most delicious foods. There are very easy meals to prepare that will not require a lot of time and that have the necessary nutritional balance. That is the case of the dinners in 15 minutes that you will see below.

The priority when cooking is that the prepared food is prepared with healthy foods that promote the growth of your children. It is important that children, from their first years of life, know how to make convenient and healthy food choices.

2 dinners in 15 minutes

We are going to teach you how to prepare simple as well as nutritious dinners.

Chicken and artichoke escalopes

Artichokes are vegetables that have been shown to protect liver function. For this reason, they should be included in the diet regularly.


  • Salt and fresh black pepper.
  • One cup of all-purpose flour.
  • 4 chicken cutlets or scallops (approximately 110 g each).
  • ¼ cup of olive oil.
  • A bunch of fresh parsley.
  • 220 g of angel hair pasta.
  • 220 g of artichoke in pieces.
  • 2 tablespoons of capers.
  • ½ cup of chicken broth.


  • Take a grill from the oven and preheat to 100 ° C.
  • Take a medium skillet and put over medium heat. Add warm water to the middle of the container and put a pinch of salt.
  • In a sealable bag, put the flour, a pinch of salt and pepper. Then season the chicken cutlets, put them in the bag and close it tightly. Move it so that all the chicken portions are well covered by the flour.
  • Put the olive oil in a frying pan and wait until it gets hot. Skim off the excess flour from the chops and fry them in the olive oil. You’ll know they’re done when they’re browned on both sides (about 4 minutes total).
  • Then put the chops in the oven to finish cooking.
  • Meanwhile, in the salty water, which should be at its boiling point, put the angel hair pasta. For it to be al dente  with the desired texture,  wait about 3 minutes.
  • Fry the artichokes and capers in a pan. Add the chicken broth and wait for it to reduce by half. Then season with the parsley, salt and pepper.
  • Finally, serve the chicken and pasta bathed in the artichoke sauce.
Chicken schnitzel is one of the most delicious 15-minute recipes you can find.

Beef steak with spinach, grapes and almonds

Nuts stand out for their unsaturated lipid content, capable of reducing systemic inflammation, according to a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.


  • ¼ cup of chopped almonds.
  • 2 bunches of spinach without stems.
  • 4 fillets of your favorite cut of beef or pork (approximately 150 g each).
  • One cup of red seedless grapes cut in half.
  • A tablespoon of balsamic vinegar.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


  • Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. When it has the desired temperature, put the almonds on a tray and let them toast . Stir so they don’t stick or burn. This will take about 5 minutes. Then put them in a small container.
  • Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Season the fillets with the salt and pepper and put them in the pan. They should cook for 3 to 5 minutes on each side. Afterwards, place them on a plate or tray with aluminum foil so that they do not cool too soon.
  • Put the spinach and grapes in a pan. Let them cook a little in their own juices until the spinach is slightly cooked. This will only take 1 to two minutes. Then add the toasted almonds and spinach.
  • Finally, serve the meat portions and cover them with the spinach sauce.
Beef steaks, in addition to being quick, are an important source of protein.

In the previous 15-minute dinner recipes you can vary some seasonings to suit your family’s taste.

Remember to provide the meat in thin fillets so that it cooks quickly and does not take hours in front of the oven or the pan. To accompany, you can simply have a glass of water or a lemonade.

Prepare quick and nutritious recipes

What other dinner option do you make when you don’t have time? There is no excuse for not eating well or turning to frozen meals.

As you can see, it is quite easy to prepare one of these dinners in 15 minutes. They are a very good alternative when looking for a delicious and nutritious food. Ask your family for help so that it takes even less time to cook.

Are you teaching your child to eat healthy?

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