Diving For Children, A Sport In Contact With Nature

Scuba diving is a fashionable sport, but it also requires knowledge and precautions.
Diving for children, a sport in contact with nature

Scuba diving for children is gaining strength. It is not for less, among other things because it is a great activity to develop many of your skills. Likewise, it is one of the most appreciated by the little ones in the house.

The underwater world is very attractive for any little one. By themselves, they love the beach and the sea. For this reason, the discovery of everything that is hidden under the waters is an adventure for them.

In addition, another advantage of scuba diving for children is that it allows them to increase their knowledge. Children learn to recognize and value marine wealth. What’s more, this increases your sense of responsibility towards the environment.

The best age to start

This is an issue that raises some controversy and a variety of opinions. While scuba diving for children is a safe activity, certain risks cannot be overlooked either. Not only children, but also adults should take precautions. That is why this activity is not recommended for the little ones.

Scuba diving for children is a highly recommended sport.

The child must be able to analyze the risks. This requires a certain level of awareness and maturity. It is also important that you have developed some margin of self-control, underwater situations can occur that fill some with panic. This leads to mistakes that can put them at risk.

The best age to start scuba diving for children is between 8 and 12 years old. It is not a totally exact data. This also depends on the temperament of the boy. Some become more mature early, while others take a little longer.

Internationally, it is common to allow scuba diving for children from the age of 10. However, in Spain this is a bit more restricted. The depth of the dives is regulated according to age; likewise, each province establishes its own parameters.

Benefits of scuba diving for children

The benefits of this practice are many. Scuba diving for children has an impact on their physical, mental, intellectual and social development. Some of the main benefits are as follows:

  • Diving tones the muscles and allows developing psychomotor skills.
  • Improves lung capacity and cardiac and circulatory functions.
  • Promotes maturity in children.
  • Increase self-esteem and sense of achievement.
  • It encourages responsibility and self-esteem.
  • Stimulates imagination and creativity.
  • It reinforces values ​​associated with teamwork, solidarity, and camaraderie.

One of the most important aspects is that scuba diving for children is an excellent way to manage stress. Although children do not have the same demands as adults, they can also be stressed. An activity like this helps them channel that anxiety.

Aspects to consider

Diving involves some risks, all of them are manageable, but they should not be underestimated for this. It is important not to lose sight of some aspects. Before a child goes scuba diving, he must take into account the dangers of it. Parents, for their part, should assess the responsible attitude of the minor and think about whether it is appropriate to carry out this type of activity. Some of the risks to consider are the following:

  • Diving instructors must be specialized people. Not only in the activity itself, but also in working with children.
  • Children under 8 years of age do not have sufficiently developed lungs. That is why it is never recommended that they practice this activity.
  • Children under the age of 12 are more prone to earache. The instructor must be able to teach them ear decompression techniques.
  • The younger the child, the greater the risk of hypothermia.
Scuba diving is a sport for adults and children.
  • The child must be at least 1.50 cm tall and weigh 45 kg to begin instruction.
  • Before starting scuba diving, the child must already be a good swimmer. It is also important that you master tube techniques.
  • The first part of the instruction is received in a swimming pool. Then it goes to open water.
  • It is not advisable for a dive to last more than 25 minutes.
  • Children cannot be dive buddies with each other. Every kid should dive in with an experienced adult.

Scuba diving for kids: you can’t forget either

Also, children must learn not to ascend faster than their air bubbles.  It is necessary to know that after a dive it is medically forbidden to make an ascent to an altitude greater than 500 meters. This applies for the next 12 hours.

Finally, an important aspect is that the child must have sufficient autonomy, he must be able to climb the boat by himself. You must also be able to carry your own equipment and take care of it. In this way the little one will also learn responsibility and self-control. It is a sport that you will love both as a child and as an adult!

Sport in children: teach them to enjoy

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