Everybody Tells Me How I Should Educate My Son

The educational work of parents is often influenced by opinions from their environment. It is necessary to differentiate between those people who want to give us the best and those who only try to question us. 
Everybody tells me how I should educate my son

The education of the children is a fundamental task for parents and, above all, a great challenge. The truth is that there are many conflicting positions in this regard, and many parents wonder if they are doing it correctly due to the following situation: “Everyone tells me how to educate my child, what should I do?”

What should you do if everyone tells you how to educate your children?

Difference who gives you advice

The work of being parents consists for the most part in giving children love and education, two fundamental pillars that will help them to function in life. In this context, people tend to constantly comment on how each one educates and raises their children without knowing the circumstances.

Faced with this situation, you have to know that there are many people with good intention and empathy  who all they want is to help. But they don’t always have the right information. There is also the case of friends who give their opinion because they think they know everything and always have an answer to every problem. Learn to differentiate intention so that comments don’t hurt or make you angry.

Teaching them to obey and not to understand is harmful to the child.

There is also the typical opportunistic friend or relative, who is the one who gives the worst kind of advice and who will never admit that he is wrong. There are many people like that, who base their comments on educational fads and things they read on the internet. They spend their time trying to tune in to a general feeling to generate empathy.

Where is it educated?

One of the key questions to guide in raising children is  being aware of the places where you are educated. Next, we will see some keys that will help you understand education in each space and its importance.

Homeschooling: the foundation pillar

Education that is taught at home is perhaps the most important because it works as a pillar in the education of children. The family bosom is very important in the development of learning.

When it comes to homeschooling,  it is about establishing routines, schedules in which children can do their activities. In addition, it is essential that the little ones have roles and responsibilities within the home, since it gives them motivation and self-esteem and makes them part of the family nucleus.

Of course, home schooling also has to do with teaching them to  value things, be patient, have good manners, know how to share and enjoy family moments, among others. Always encourage them to develop their creativity and imagination.

Education at school: as important as at home

School is the other fundamental pillar in the education of boys. It is important that parents get involved and choose a learning place that complies with the education that is taught at home, that is, whose values ​​are similar.

Consequently, the school will be a place where to be educated in values ​​and different types of families and realities coexist. It is about children making school a place of constant socialization and learning, where they will have responsibilities.


Street education

It is very important to teach children to respect the rest of the people who are part of society. They must be taught to respect both people and the place and environment where they live, to develop good behavior when they are on the street.

In conclusion, keep in mind that no one has the recipe or knows everything about education. It doesn’t matter what others say, when you know what values ​​you want to convey and how to do it. The important thing is not to forget that each one transmits to his children what he considers and accompanies them in each learning process as he thinks is correct.

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