Fruit Tarts For Children

Fun, delicious and healthy if they are made at home. Fruit tarts for kids are a good way to get kids to eat apples, pears, peaches, and other options.
Fruit tarts for kids

The data on overweight should concern us: childhood obesity has reached such an incidence that it is becoming endemic in many countries. One way for kids to get the recommended daily servings of fruit is to make them part of the fruit tarts they love so much.

It is important to limit the addition of sugar in this type of cake, so as not to harm your health. It is proven that the habitual consumption of simple carbohydrates can damage the metabolism, causing complex pathologies in the medium term.

Fruit tarts for children: a healthy dessert

The toppings and fillings that the cakes we buy usually have have a lot of fat content and are very sugary. Likewise, a large part of industrial bakery uses harmful trans fats and palm oil in its manufacture.

On the other hand, if we do them at home we can control the amount of lipids and sugars that they make up. To do this, below, we will see several recipes for homemade fruit tarts for children.

Cheese cake with red berries

This recipe combines a serving of dairy with a fruit. It should be noted that the consumption of dairy is highly recommended. Calcium has been shown to be necessary to prevent bone-type problems. These foods contain a significant amount of this nutrient.


  • 300 g of vanilla cookies (that can be crushed).
  • 150 g of melted butter.
  • 750 g of cream cheese.
  • 4 eggs
  • 220 g of sugar.
  • 40 g of flour.
  • 150 cc of whipped cream.
  • Vanilla.
  • Red fruit: blackberries, strawberries, cherries, etc.
Fruit tarts for children are an excellent option to make them have a balanced diet.


  • Crush the cookies, melt the butter and join everything with your hands. Cover the bottom of a removable mold with this mixture, which will be the base of the cake.
  • Place the cream cheese, eggs, sugar and 2 teaspoons of vanilla in a bowl . Mix and sprinkle the flour through a strainer to sift it. Incorporate the cream, joining it gently with the above and reserve for a while.
  • For the sauce, heat 200 g of sugar with ½ cup of water and when boiling add the fruits. Stir and cook until a syrup forms.
  • When you take the cake out of the oven, let it cool, arrange the cheese layer evenly and refrigerate for a couple of hours.
  • Glaze the red fruit sauce on top of the cake and serve.

Apple stuffed tart

The apple is a fruit that is characterized by its pectin content. This fiber improves the quality of the microbiota, as stated by research published in the journal Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.



  • 3 cups of wheat flour.
  • 125 g of unsalted butter.
  • 2 eggs
  • Salt.


  • 1/2 kg of apples.
  • 100 g of brown sugar.
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon.
  • Cinnamon powder.
  • Vanilla.
  • Anise.
  • Salt.


  • Mix all the ingredients of the dough. Knead them well and, once a homogeneous dough is obtained, wrap it in plastic and reserve it for less than an hour in the refrigerator.
  • After that time, roll out approximately half of the dough in a baking dish. Top with some large legume grains to prevent puffiness; bake at 200ºC or until lightly browned.
  • For the filling, peel the apples, extract the seeds and the bone and cut into pieces. Put them to marinate for two hours covered in a container with the lemon, vanilla, anise, cinnamon and sugar.
  • Place the macerated apples on the baked dough, but without the liquid. Roll out the remaining half of the dough and cut strips to place them across the layer of apples.
  • Bake at 200º C for 40 minutes or until golden brown.
Homemade apple pies can be an excellent option for your children's snack.

Gypsy arm of kiwi and strawberries

Strawberries and kiwi are two of the fruits that provide the highest amount of vitamin C. For this reason it is advisable to consume them regularly, as far as possible.


  • 6 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar.
  • 1 cup of wheat flour.
  • Zest of 1 lemon.
  • Kiwis and sliced ​​strawberries.
  • Chantilly cream.
  • Powdered sugar


  • Beat egg whites until stiff. Without stopping beating, add the yolks and the sugar slowly and in the form of rain.
  • Pour the flour into a strainer and add it to the mixture while it is sifting, stirring with a wooden spoon in an enveloping way. This in order not to lower the foam obtained. Finally add the lemon zest.
  • In a rectangular baking dish with waxed paper placed, pour the mixture. Bake at 170º C for 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out dry.
  • When cool, spread the whipped cream all over the surface of the cake. Next, place a layer of kiwis and another of strawberries. Roll it up with the help of waxed paper and tightly press the resulting “arm”.
  • Refrigerate for a while, sprinkle powdered sugar on top and cut into thick slices.

Include cakes in the diet to increase fruit consumption

In any of these three recipes for fruit tarts for children, the indicated fruits can be substituted for others. The limit is only in the creativity and imagination of each one. The important thing is how nutritious and eye-catching a homemade dessert can be.

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