Get Spectacular Pictures With Your Pregnancy Belly Mold

Get spectacular photos with the belly mold of your pregnancy

Jocelyn Conway is a British artist who offers us a new concept in baby photography.  A mold of the pregnancy belly is created to achieve a natural receptacle, a cubicle where to place the little ones, thus evoking that intimate union, that primal connection between mother and child.

These images have already been dubbed “Bump Bowl Photos”, a trend that has already gone around the world and that just by seeing it, we are dazzled. We are attracted above all by the calm of babies in these receptacles. A space that, after all, is not alien to the child.

We are sure that you also love taking pictures of your baby. Furthermore, if you are pregnant right now, the idea of ​​”bump bowls” will already tempt you. Next, we offer you all the data so that you finish deciding … Because without a doubt, you will surrender to this type of art.

Your baby will grow fast, so that magical moment when they are still little is worth immortalizing forever. So small and delicate as to fit into the mold of your belly. It’s just wonderful, so… why let it slip away?

The most natural photographs: return to the womb

Jocelyn Conway is a photographer from Liverpool who has been with her camera, casting plaster casts and placing babies in bump bowls for over a year. Demand continues to grow, especially considering the way in which graphic material is disseminated on the network.

All moms and dads want the image of their baby inside that womb. It is a way of remembering a process, a moment and a wonderful stage full of emotions.

It should be said that Jocelyn Conway had this idea more than 5 years ago. In fact, it even registered the trademark “bump bowls”. It is his and it was not until a few months ago that social networks have given him success. However, we cannot avoid surrendering to these molds for many different reasons.

photographs of baby in pregnancy mold
Image courtesy Photojob, Jocelyn Conway

Babies enjoy feeling back in the womb

Baby photographers are not just art professionals. They are also in babies. In fact, surely you already know that it is not exactly easy to get that image we have in mind out of our children. We cannot find the gesture, the posture, the background, the one who is still, the one who does not cry …

  • Good specialists know that the most important thing is that the “models” are well relaxed. Only when they fall exhausted is it easier to find the perfect position to capture the snapshot. Later, editors and photography programs take care of the rest.
  • However, Jocelyn Conway has gone one step further. He wanted his babies to feel comfortable, relaxed, happy. So the idea was not long in coming. It was not enough to create a receptacle that resembled the mother’s womb. It had to be the real one, with the appropriate form, the one that held him or her for 9 months.

The result was exceptional. Because children feel calm inside the “Bump Bowls”

photography baby mold pregnancy
Image courtesy Photojob, Jocelyn Conway

An unforgettable process

The process of these photographs consists of two stages. The first phase comes when the mother is in the 34th or 36th week of pregnancy. The purpose is to create the mold with the help of plaster.

Once ready, the molds are lined to make them comfortable and soft. It is the family itself that chooses how they want the mold to be dressed. It can be varnished, lined, or left looking more natural. Everything will depend on the setting chosen by the parents. It is a fun and familiar process that will have its best moment with the arrival of the real protagonist: the baby.

pregnancy mold
Image courtesy Photojob, Jocelyn Conway

Older siblings, as well as father or mother, may also appear in the photographs. However, something that always happens when the baby is attached to these plaster containers is that there is no negative reaction.

Children feel good, calm and collected. As if they recognized that shape, as if it were not strange to them and they felt incredibly comfortable in these plaster bellies.

Later, families will take home the bump bowls. It will be an emotional memory to keep. Surely, tomorrow both we and our children will be amazed at how it was possible that they could fit in that cubicle, in that comfortable and delicate space that was once their true home.

photography baby mold pregnancy
Image courtesy Photojob, Jocelyn Conway

We are sure that you too will want to have these photographs with which to have a memory of that wonderful bond. Bump bowls are all the rage, so…  why resist?

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