Getting In Shape: Exercises With Your Baby

Who said you couldn’t exercise with your baby? In fact, it is a very healthy practice! To do this, taking advantage of the family union and the outdoors is something positive. Discover some recommendations in this article.
Getting in shape: Exercises with your baby

After bringing a child into the world, many women worry about how their body will look. Here we have wonderful exercises for you to practice with your baby.

In most cases it is unavoidable to have a bulging abdomen several weeks after giving birth, so what remains is to combine the tasks of being a mother with some routines to get rid of the weight gained during pregnancy.  

It is very common that while a mother takes care of her little one she does not have much time for herself, because you want to dedicate and focus all your attention on your offspring , and that of returning to the body of before many times is in the background, but there are simple ways to get in shape, doing exercises with your baby.

Exercising with your little one will allow you to feel better by recovering your figure without neglecting your main tasks as a mother.

Exercising with your baby will serve to satisfy two needs at the same time: being with him and getting fit, this will undoubtedly be an enriching experience for both of you.

It is important that you know that any activity you do with your baby will serve to strengthen bonds  that have united them since it grew in your belly, so take the opportunity to lose those extra pounds accompanied by your most precious treasure and get moving!

Exercises you can practice with your baby

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Running or walking

If you are one of those who enjoys jogging or a walk outdoors, this is the ideal exercise. Put your baby on her pram  and go for a walk or jog on a path or track near home. You will free yourself from stress, you will strengthen your body while your baby travels in his chair comfortably enjoying the walk and the fresh air. If you decide not to use the car, you can use a kangaroo or baby carrier and go at a gentle pace.

Exercise Videos

This is a super practical option and the best thing is that you don’t have to leave your house. On the Internet or in some specialized stores you can find videos of some disciplines such as Insanity, cardiovascular exercises or aerobics  to perform in the comfort of your room, while the baby rests or tries to imitate your movements.


Doing sit-ups while holding your baby on your lap can be quite fun, you will reduce inches and tone your abdomen while laughing a little.

How to do it? Spread out on the floor, preferably on a smooth and clean surface, bend your knees, keep them together and support the baby on them. Lift and extend your torso with your back as straight as possible and voila! You will be doing sit-ups with your child.


Extend your whole body on the floor and lift the child with both hands, trying to hold him well and maintain a right angle. Repeat in series of ten and you will soon see the result.


This is an exercise that has been in vogue in recent years and has multiple variants, one of the most particular is the incorporation of the babies of those who practice it daily. The yoga  It is considered an invaluable tool that teaches mothers to connect with their inner peace and to be physically and mentally flexible.

By incorporating the little ones into a yoga class, they can enjoy massages and movements that help them to be relaxed and improve their breathing, and additionally promote attachment .


In addition to being fun, dancing is an exercise that feeds the body and spirit, it is a natural stress inhibitor. It will help your little one begin to develop a taste for music and begin to enjoy its benefits. Salsa, meringue, techno, no matter the genre, move together!

Some recommendations for the time of the exercises together

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For exercise time:

  • It is advisable to eat a light food before doing any physical activity, but it is important that before exercising neither you nor your baby are freshly eaten.
  • For adults and children it is essential to stay hydrated while doing any physical activity.
  • Remember to secure your baby well in the car during every jogging or walking session. If you lift it, try to hold it tightly and firmly.
  • Use the right footwear to exercise because you not only deal with your own weight but with that of your little one, so it is essential that you are comfortable and that your feet or lower limbs do not suffer the impact of the exercises.

    Have fun  and stay healthy next to your baby, the best companion you can have at that time.

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