Give Your Child The Key To Happiness

Give your child the key to happiness

The key to happiness is a heritage that very few have. Most people go through life unhappy and miserable. There are many others who find happiness all the time and believe that they will have it forever; however, they hardly turn around they lose it like a small child misplacing a toy.

Every time one talks about happiness, one thinks of material wealth and dreams of opulence come true, because no one would think that in misery one can be happy. And it is clear, when there are no clothes to cover the body, shoes to wear and you do not have a roof, you are not happy. For better or for worse, the human species evolved above the other species and turned into necessity what those others do not know.

To achieve happiness, people also need to feel recognized, important, and useful. You have to conquer or achieve something on your own, testing your physical and mental capabilities whether it is to build a communications satellite or to deliver a baby.

Part of happiness is in good health. There is no greater fortune than that of iron health.

Love has its space within that emotional state, both the love that one feels and that transmitted to us by others. If we know how to love our children, our parents, our husband or wife, our country, life, peace, friends, nature … if we receive and appreciate the love of loved ones, we feel happy.


The other 19 pieces that make up happiness

There are other points that make up happiness. As well as the rest mentioned above, they are inalienable:

  • Our respect and consideration towards others and from others towards our person
  • Good manners that allow us to feel proud of ourselves when we behave at the level of what the rest of society pursues
  • Comprehensive knowledge of the world that makes us know and have an opinion on any subject, both to understand it and to express ourselves and enforce our criteria
  • Have enough emotional intelligence not to get carried away by our most basic emotions: anger, anger, violence …
  • Accept us, love us as we are
  • Be satisfied with what we have both in spiritual and material matters, but make an effort and not settle only for what life offers us. Be industrious and aim for better results
  • Work day by day for a better future
  • Help others and see firsthand how our souls grow every time we do good
  • Lean on our integrity to undertake any project. Do not use the weaknesses of others, lie, steal the merits, or take advantage of the mistakes of others
  • Rejoice in the achievements of others
  • Have an open mind to change everything that we need to change and not cling to our stubbornness and self-centeredness thinking that mistakes never knock on our door
  • Do not covet and envy what others have
  • Have a positive mind for everything
  • Not aborting our exploits due to the first obstacles we encounter along the way, but having the ability to overcome ourselves to overcome the barriers that necessarily come before us when the goals are really good.
  • Never stop dreaming of a pleasant and fuller life
  • Do everything to contribute to the welfare of others as we do with ours
  • See our family as the safest breadwinner and the port to always go to when we are in trouble, whenever we need affection, or when we feel happy and need to share all the joys with her
  • Love peace and do everything to live in harmony with our equals. Do not arouse anger and conflict, instead, raise tolerance as a flag to achieve a peaceful coexistence among peoples
  • To be free or to feel like one. Freedom, emancipation from any yoke makes us happy like nothing else in life.

Give your child the key to happiness

Mom, the key to happiness is to gather portion by portion each of the fragments that make it up. Teach your child this and trust that you have shown him well how to build one of the most comforting emotional states in the world.

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