How To Claim An Unfair Grade In A Subject

When the grades arrive and the parents get negative surprises, it is possible to claim an unfair grade in front of the school or the corresponding teacher. How to proceed?
How to claim an unfair grade in a subject

For many parents, when a child receives an unfair grade in school, it unleashes a real drama. It can be a failure announced after having neglected the matter or having left everything to the last minute. But it can also be a real surprise that comes after long and dedicated study nights.

With suspense, all effort is invalidated. It is likely that the grade is fair and the unfair grade is an opportunity to learn more and better. But it can also happen that the grade seems unfair and we think that the teacher has made a mistake or has caught our son a mania.

If this happens, it  is possible to complain and request a rating review;  This is a right of the students and their representatives. Next, we will see some elements to know how to claim an unfair failure in school.

Clarifications and review before an unfair rating

Faced with a failure that seems unfair, students, or their legal representatives in the case of minors, may initially request clarifications and revisions. This is the first step.

Mother and daughter talking to a teacher to claim an unfair grade.

The second step will be to complain and request that the decision be reconsidered. To carry out this entire process, it is essential to be able to have good communication with the teacher who has placed the grade.

The principle of collaboration and mutual understanding between teachers, students and student families should be applied. It is about demanding the right to an objective and fair evaluation.

The students themselves or their representatives can ask for any clarification they deem necessary on any point related to the learning process or grades.

If the clarifications do not satisfy the representatives or the student, they can request a review of the grade. This is valid not only for a failure case, but for any assessment instrument that the teacher has used to monitor the students. It can be a test, an exercise, a job, etc.

Educational centers are obliged to keep all these assessment instruments, as well as all the information related to them, up to three months after the start of the following year. In the event of a claim, they should also keep all the documentation related to this procedure.

What can the students or their legal representatives claim?

The teacher must deliver, at the request of the student or their parents or representatives, all the information they have about the exam or the assessment instrument that caused the unfair failure. If the interested parties, even after these clarifications, remain dissatisfied with the grade or with the teacher’s decision, they can make a claim.

However, that claim must be justified with some valid reason. For example, one can complain about the incorrect application of the evaluation and qualification criteria in force. It is also possible to argue the inadequacy of the assessment instrument that caused the failure with the contents of the didactic programming.

How to file a claim for an unfair suspension?

In the event that the clarifications and the review of the unfair grade or the decision to fail do not satisfy the student and their representatives, they must submit a written complaint.

At the time of claim, the document will be duly dated and stamped, and will be formalized in the administrative channel. This will start the administrative procedure and the term to resolve it will begin to run from that moment.

The deadline for requesting clarifications and revisions is three business days from the day after the official communication of the suspension considered unfair.

Mother with her son in a meeting with his teacher to claim a grade that they consider unfair.

However, regardless of the request for clarifications and revisions, the deadline for submitting a written claim is also three business days from the day following the official communication of the suspension.

How is a claim for an unfair rating processed?

The procedure for handling a claim for a failure and an unfair grade may vary somewhat from school to school. However, in general,  the first thing that happens is that the center’s management informs the professor of the existence of the claim.

The teacher must then prepare a detailed report of the facts and clarify why he considers that the evaluation criteria have been applied correctly. You must also explain why you have rejected the request for review made by the student or their representatives.

This report prepared by the teacher will be reviewed by the management of the center, who will be in charge of resolving the claim and will notify the student and their representatives of their decision.

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